Grey, white and coloured eyes

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Leana's POV
It's weird whenever you walk down the street, most people have grey eyes, however some are wacky coloured, these are the people who have found their soulmates. I of course still have grey eyes as I'm only 20 and haven't found my soulmate. My mother has white eyes even though my father had brown hair. I remember the day that happened, I was 8 and was helping my mother make dinner while my father was at work.

"Can you pass me the knife, Leana," my mother said, smiling as she held out her hand. I nodded and handed her the knife which she dropped as she held a hand to her eyes; luckily the knife only clattered onto the chopping board.
"Your father really is a nightmare, he must've dyed his hair," she chuckled and removed her hand to blink at me, with a smile. "What colour are they?" Me being uneducated didn't know of the significance so grinned and looked at her eyes which were now fully white, not even the pupil.
"They're white, not even the pupil is there," I replied happily. However her smiled dropped from her face and she grabbed my shoulders.
"White? No pupil? Are you sure, the pupil isn't just hard to see?" Her voice was panicked as she stared at me, the whiteness of her eyes scaring me as I nodded.
"No!" She scream and ran to the bathroom to stare at her reflection. I heard her let out a hopeless cry and things fall off the shelf in the bathroom. "Martin," she whispered the name of my father as I sheepishly looked through the bathroom door.
"What's wrong, mum?" I asked in a quiet voice, scared of the sudden change in my mother, not just her eyes but her actions.
"W-when someone's eyes turn white like mine, it means-" she had to stop as sobs racked her body and she cried into her hands, slumping down next to the sink, on the floor. "It means their soulmate has died." My mind had gone blank as I watched my mother, the strongest woman I knew and the most optimistic, break down and cry over her soulmate, my dad. My mouth was unable to form words as I ran to my room and hugged a teddy my father had given to me when I was 5.

The weeks following had been the worst of my life, my mum ceased to leave the house much and stopped fully once she deemed me old enough to go out alone, 11.

But today I wasn't going to think of my parents, I wasn't going to think of soulmates, today I was going for a job interview as an assistant for the owner of a famous magazine company. I was beyond anxious as I walked up to the building and adjusted my hair into place. 'What if I messed up? What if my boss is horrible?' I tried to drown out the thoughts as I had subconsciously walked to the desk and had been sent to the office of Mr Chester with other girls in skirts and blouses.

After half an hour I stormed out the building, pulling my hair out of its bun. The interview was a flop, he said that I didn't have the right attire and my hair wasn't tied up properly so I couldn't have the job. 'Well done Leana, a job interview that failed after 60 seconds, must be a record'. I knew I couldn't go back home just yet and disappoint my mother, so I decided to go to a coffee shop to relax a bit.
"Bloody git, who cares if a girl wears trousers," I muttered as I texted my best friend Rosie to meet me at the nearest Starbucks in 10 minuets.

"And so you stormed out?"
"I never thought Leana Frost would ever do something like that." Rosie and I were sipping coffee next to the window of Starbucks talking about my failed job interview.
"Can we not talk about it please?" I requested, getting tired of the conversation.
"Yeah sorry, umm, how about..." she cast her yellow eyes round the room. Rosie had found her soulmate in the blond photographer, Allen Hall, a year ago while they were they were both camping in Wales. I loved the fact that people's eyes would change colour depending on their soulmate's hair, I had a plan to dye my hair rainbow so my soulmate would look ridiculous.
"Ok, so if soulmates weren't a thing, who in this room would you kiss?" Rosie grinned and rested her chin on her hand. Shaking my head I glanced round the room at each person.
"Umm, I don't know they all look alright." I shrugged and blushed as I thought about some of them in compromising positions. 'Dammit brain why?'
"Aw, you're blushing!" She squealed and whipped her phone out to take a picture.
"Rosie, no!" I said sternly, standing up and stepping back to the door; bumping into someone. As I turned round her camera flashed and burned my eyes painfully as I tried to see who I walked into.
"Argh, my eyes," I complained, rubbing my eyes, hearing that the person I walked into also was muttering in discomfort.
"Oops, I didn't realise I had flash on," Rosie said in a small voice as she checked her phone for the picture.
"Sorry," I muttered, turning round to see a man, maybe a few years older than me with purple hair and brown eyes.
"Oh, don't worry, that flash was kinda bright." He smiled at me as I nodded and blushed slightly, sitting down again in my seat, next to Rosie.
"Yeah sorry," Rosie muttered, not really meaning it as she looked at the photo and her eyes widened. "Leana, look!" She turned her phone round and pushed it into my face. On the screen was a picture of me looking dazed and the purples haired man, who had now walked to a table behind us, also looking discomforted by the flash, both of our hands were in the process of covering our eyes. His eyes were halfway between grey and brown and mine... mine were halfway between grey and purple.
"Rosie, are my eyes purple?" I muttered, looking into her yellow eyes. She nodded, I stared at her in shock.

"Luca!" Someone shouted from behind us somewhere, snapping me out of my shock as looking round. The purple haired guy was standing next to a guy with green hair who was shaking him.
"Well, congratulations, you found your soulmate," Rosie said, tackling me with a hug.
"I-" I looked over at the two bright headed guys and the purple guy looked back, smiling apologetically.

That day went from being a disaster, to being the best day of my life so far. I found my soulmate, made my mum start to leave the house again and the picture Rosie took earned me a job as a scientist because it was one of a kind and I could look into different affects of eyes. The purple haired guy was called Luca Richardson and he's amazing, we're married for 7 years now and my eyes are now red which I think is cool; his eyes are black after we both dyed our hair. However the same thought always sticks in the back of my mind, that one day my eyes will burn when Luca is out, I'll look in the mirror and see my eyes completely white. My, now 5 year old, daughter will ask why I've broken down in tears and why my eyes are white and scary as I did. Whenever this thought crosses my mind I ring, shout for or message Luca to ask if he's ok and for him to be careful.
"I'm fine, look, I'm almost home I'll give you a hug when I'm back." Is what he'd say if he was on the phone. "Leana, my love, I'm right here, see?" He would hug and kiss me until I stopped crying if he was around, telling me my father and mother were proud of me and that he would never leave me.

Hopefully my eyes will never turn white, even as we grow old together I wish for us to both be happy and to live long. Maybe we could dye our hair brown next just to be normal for once.

1405 words, first chapter :) send requests if you want for chapters or yourself or OCs, next one will probably be with one of my male OCs.

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