What's in a name? Pt 1

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Idk if I need to but, there will be some violence in here so a warning for Clay getting a bit blooded up.

Clay's POV
Gay? Was I really gay? It must be true because that definitely looked like a boy's name on my wrist. 'Grayson'. I don't know if I could actually tell anyone, would they accept me? Yes of course, who cares if I'm gay, it's not like some people could actually say anything. My father was the owner of three of the biggest museums in the country, so people always respected me, not to mention I had slight 'mental issues'. Anger management problems, sociopathic tendencies, but I could normally act 'normal'. Then again, who could be soulmates with me? I'm always respected, yes, but liked? No. Loved? Not really.
"Clay, we're going out for a drink, wanna come?" I shook my head to my friends and they sighed.
"I've got a meeting," I muttered, ruffling my hair up and looking away, I knew they hated me but had to be friends with me because their families had told them that they needed have close contact with my family for money.

The meeting I had, was actually with one of the gangs of the town, my family was rich and they had to get money somewhere else other than museums so it had a small business with drugs, guns and smuggling other goods. As my father was busy, my brother dead and my mother too scared I had to go. I hated this gang, one of them always seemed to think I was way prey, easily manipulated and just weak in general. I was the opposite.

"Excuse me," I said as I pushed past someone in the street, being extremely late; because it was my 18th birthday and the name of my soulmate had just appeared on my wrist.
"Twenty minutes, they're going to kill me," I muttered, checking my expensive watch, I wasn't joking they probably would at least hurt me.

"You're late!" A man shouted as I skidded to a halt in front of him.
"Sorry, it was my 18th," I panted, "looking at the name." This didn't help, he only rolled his eyes and shoved me through a door into a small room with 6 people in there, apart from me and the guy who pushed me.
"Finally the little Marks has arrived," the leader said from his seat, eying me. He was a big muscled man, with dark eyes and dark hair, not even close to resembling someone I would find attractive. Remembering my father's lessons, I stood up straight and looked him in the eye.
"My apologies," I said confidently, which seemed to make the others laugh.
"Well, twenty minutes late, so I think my boys should get to play with you for 2 minutes." I hate this guy, the boss had a mean smile as I fell hands grab me and something hard hit my stomach. "Starting now." The next 2 minutes were some of the worst ever, everything hurt from being punched, kicked, stamped on, twisted or even sometimes stabbed. Nothing too bad though, no bad cuts or broken bones, just pain as I was lifted to my feet again and made to look the leader in the eye. "Don't. Be. Late," he growled. After that the meeting went fairly well, I secured a few deals and the leader actually began to like me.
"Well guess we'll see you later then," he said as I left, limping because I was still badly hurt. What I thought had been a few minor injuries turned out to be a lot, my body was bruised and my legs shook to hold me weight as I walked down the street. It was 12:30 at night so I didn't think any cabs would take me and I couldn't call for my family car as my phone had run out of battery, I just had to get back to my car which was a long way away.
"I hate that gang, I don't even think I'll be able to get back to my car." My eyes watered from pain and my lip was bleeding badly, I must look a mess.
"Sorry," someone with brown hair said as they bumped into me, causing me to fall over and groan with pain.
"Watch where you're going!" I shouted back, but they didn't hear. Now I just looked like another drunken man who'd gotten into a fight and lost his way home.
"Great 18th birthday, thanks dad," I groaned, feeling a warm liquid fall down my cheeks from my eyes.
My eyes closed and I was almost asleep when I fell a pair of strong arms lift me up, causing me to whimper in pain.
"Hey, shh, it's ok," the person muttered as I felt them carry me, the rocking slowly putting me to sleep as my hand held onto their jacket.

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