First impressions

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Samantha's POV
'Please do be careful, you made me drop my books.' Those were the words written on my neck in the font Lucida Handwriting. Yes I know the names of fonts, because I have nothing better to do than go on Word and write stories, looking at all the different fonts, choosing the right one.
"Sam!" My mum called from downstairs, making me groan and let go of my collar. "Dinner is ready!" Turning away from the mirror I turned off my music, This is gospel by Panic at the disco.
"Yeah I'm coming!" I yelled back, closing my door behind me and hopping down the stairs to the dining room.
"And the nerd finally arrives," my brother said, chewing on a piece of chicken.
"Ey, be nice to your sister," father said, shaking his head as I sat down next to my mum.
"Chicken salad, tonight," my mum said cheerily, putting the green leaves in my plate.
"Thanks," I muttered; I dislike salad, chicken was alright but salad was just rabbit food.
"Well then, bon appétit!" My dad said. Sometimes I found that my parents were too cheerful for their own good, even though my whole life they've been like that, I still found it difficult to process sometimes; well I suppose they were made for each other, literally.
"Why do we always have to eat healthy?" My brother, Kyle, whined.
"Because, we want both of you to grow up big and strong!" My dad said, showing his muscle, making me cringe.
"Dad, I'm 20 and she's 18, I think we've already grown up," Kyle retorted with a good point actually.
"Well, when you have enough money to live on your own, you can eat all the junk and fried stuff you want," my mum pointed out, pointing her fork at Kyle who shut up, scowling at his plate.

After a few weeks to everyone's surprise Kyle did move out after he found his soulmate. It was funny because the words on his arm read: 'More! I'm almost there!' The first words that would be spoken to him by his soulmate were those words, which as you can tell was a running joke in the family. However to circumstances were completely innocent. The girl had broken down in the mud, in her car and because of the storm they were in they couldn't actually talk so they used sign language until my Kyle shouted, "you out yet?" And she replied, "more! I'm almost there!" And he almost took his foot off the peddle in his shock, clearly the girl hadn't noticed anything as when they finally got the car out and the storm died down he had to tell her. Long story short, a few dates later they were moving in together. Fantastic. Now I was alone with my happy-go-lucky parents until I left university or managed to somehow get a place of my own. My only escape was when I went to university as my friends never had any free time, or if I went to the library. I loved the library, every Friday afternoon I would go there, it was connected to a coffee shop so I often picked out a book and sat with my coffee for an hour or two. Today was no different I was in the crime section, looking for a book to read for the week. 'Murder on the Orient Express', 'In Cold Blood', 'The Hound of the Baskerville' and 'Faceless Killers' all caught my eye but I still looked, not noticing where I was going. Suddenly I turned round with 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo', and walked straight into someone with a pile of books.
"Please do be careful, you made me drop my books," a feminine voice said, sternly.
"Sorry," I said, crouching down with the girl to help her with the books, too flustered to notice anything. "I was too immersed in finding a bo-" I stopped and looked up at her, realising what she'd said. She also looked up at me, with the same shocked stare, her eyes turning from a cold glare to a soften, curious gaze. And omg when I looked at her properly she had brown hair, tied up in a messy bun, black geek sheek glasses, cold light brown eyes. For the first time in my life I blushed because I thought someone looked beautiful, never really being into people's appearances before.
"My god, well that's a shock," she said, standing up with her books and looked up and down me. Her words made me laugh, so sophisticated and proper.
"Yeah, it is," I muttered, blushing and looking at the book in my hand.
"Hm, my name is Lydia, Lydia Rosalind," she said, in a posh accent, sticking her hand out. This was too much and I burst into a fit of giggles, which Lydia obviously didn't find amusing.
"I'm... I'm sorry... it's just," I sighed and looked at her. "You act so proper and I never thought my soulmate would be someone like you," I managed to get out.
"Well, I-" she seemed to be lost for words and a slight blush came over her features. I shook my head and calmed my giggles, standing up straight and looked at her.
"My name is Samantha Woodly." I shook her hand which she still held out as she watched me with curiosity.
"Nice to meet you Samantha," she said, slowly gaining her footing again. "Would you like to join me for some coffee?" I nodded, she, still holding my hand, lead me to the cafe part and ordered us took coffees.

We talked about books and university until the library closed and we were kicked out. She had her own car so offered me a lift back, which I gladly accepted; more time to talk to her and I wouldn't have to get the bus. I gave her my address and she lead me to her car, typing on google maps. Her car was nice, I had guessed she probably had some money by the way she spoke, clothing and now her car.
"You know, when you bumped into me I honestly thought you were going to be very rude. But you're actually very pleasant to talk to, I'm glad you're my soulmate," Lydia mused as the car started and she started to drive.
"Thank you, I guess we are stuck with each other for the rest of our lives," I said quietly, looking at her.
"You make a strong point," she nodded and took one hand off the wheel, hesitatingly holding my own hand. Her hands were cold but comforting as I held it, my hands obviously being warm because they always were. We sat in a comfortable silence, hands intertwined until what felt like only seconds we pulled up at my drive, the moon just behind the chimney.
"Well you've got my number, I've got yours. We're meeting up next Friday at the library, is there anything else?" Lydia said, turning to me and smiling.
"No, i don't think so," I replied, holding my book and checking my bag, "Thanks for today, the talk was amazing."
"Indeed it was." She nodded as I undid my seatbelt and looked at her again.
"I guess I'll call you," I smirked at her but she grabbed my hand before I could leave.
"Samantha, one more thing," she bit her lip before quickly kissing me and retreating again to her seat, a blush creeping up her neck. I stared at her with shock, she seemed so cool and proper but now she had just kissed me and was now staring away with a blush. 'How adorable'
"Please, call me Sam," I said, tapping her cheek to get her attention. Looking at me out of the corner of her eye she nodded, making me laugh and kiss her cheek.
"Goodbye, liddy," I waved as I shut the door and the car stared.
"Goodbye, Sam," she said, becoming composed again and raising a hand in farewell.

I literally died while writing this, I wish Lydia was my girlfriend.      :(  but anyway hop you enjoyed, next one will probably be publish in the next few days.

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