Seeing Him

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At school  the next day I was so nervous about seeing Damion. I figured his pride might be a little bit hurt.

 As I was walking down the hallway I saw Jess Blue, man I hate her. As she walked closer I saw someone standing beside her. DAMION??  I felt like I could not move, paralyzed. During 7th period I walked up to Damion, and asked "Hey Damion, are you and Jessica dating?" "Well, I do not really know, she is so clingy to me around you it is so weird, but I think that I will give it a shot, is that cool?" he responded. "Yeah, that's cool, well gotta go 'kay." I said in a hurry to escape. 

"I have to go find Marissa, and tell her what happened" I thought to myself. As I found Marissa wondering around the halls I tell her what happened in a rushed shiver. Her eyes open wide and she gives me a hug. "I can not believe you had to go through that all by yourself, I am so sorry." said Marissa in a I'm about to cry way.

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