NO!// Tony Stark x Reader

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This is a request by _Genius_Stark  I'm so sorry it too so long! I hope you like it!

"Tony!" You yelled as Thanos picked up your lover and threw him like a sack of potatoes.

You rushed to his side and lifted his helmet. "Are you alright?" You asked, fearing he was badly injured.

He groaned. "I'm fine" he said. You helped him up. "Are you sure?" You asked, feeling that something was wrong.

" Y/N, I'm fine. Really! Now quit worrying about me and worry about yourself! " he said. You nodded. "Fine, Mr. Stank. Remind me not to worry about you again, even if you are hurt" you said, rolling your eyes.

He chuckled a bit. "Oh, Y/N. I love you so much" he said, pecking you on the lips and going on to fight again. "I love you too, Stark" you whispered.

The battle was fierce, and no matter how much you tried, Thanos always got back up.

You ran to the Titan, weapon raised, only to be thrown away like a fly. You looked up and saw the Doctor flying into the ground, hitting with such a force you had to wonder if he was dead.

You got back up with shaking legs, just in time to see Tony engaged in a one on one fight. Your instinct kicked in, and you ran towards him.

As you neared the fighters, you saw Thanos rip away one of Tony's knives, and lunge at your love.

"NO!" You yelled, and jumped right in front of him.

You felt the knife pierce you through the stomach and come out your back. The Titan let go of the handle, and grinned.

"Y/N!" Tony said in a shaky voice, falling to his knees beside you. " Oh, god...NO! " he yelled. You clutched your bleeding wound as Tony held you in his arms.

"Kill me now for all I care, Thanos!" He yelled at the Titan as bitter tears fell down his cheeks, feeling you slipping further and further away from him by the second .

"Gladly" Thanos responded, aiming his gauntlet at the two of you. "Wait! Don't do it!" You heard a raspy voice call out.

It was Doctor Strange. He was so weak he couldn't stand up, yet his voice was firm, although not confident.

"Let them live and I'll give you the stone" he said. "No..." You whispered, knowing that if the stone was handed to the monster, you would all die.

You blacked out for a few seconds, but when you came to, Thanos was gone, and by the look on Tony's face, so was the stone.

He looked at you, stroking your cheek. "Why would you do that?" He whispered as your blood began to soak through his broken armor.

" I wasn't going to let you die" you responded. "But now..." He couldn't finish . You saw the rest of your makeshift team slowly approach, and saw the fear, sadness, and defeat in their eyes.

You looked back at Tony, and cupped his cheek in your hand. "" You whispered as you kissed him softly.

" I do too, Y/N" he whispered as he began to sob. "I always will, baby. And I know that..." You took in a haggard breath. "And I know that....our...child...would...have loved you....too" you said as you felt your strength leave you.

Tony looked at you, mouth agape, a shocked gasp escaping his lips. "C-child?" He whispered . You nodded. He held you right and whispered "I love you too...And our child" he said.

You hugged him back, and took your last breath. Tony felt you body to limp and yelled out in desperation.

"No!! Oh, god...NO!!!!" He yelled. He cradled your body and cried over you as everyone else looked on helplessly. He didn't notice everyone turning to dust, until Strange said " Tony.It was the only  way. I'm so sorry".

Then Peter fell beside Tony, saying "I don't wanna go, dad. I don't wanna go..." And he too disappearing .

Tony waited for him to turn to dust too. To die and be reunited with you and your unborn child. But it didn't happen.

When he realized it, he yelled out in grief, and no amount of comfort would ever cease the pain.

For he hadn't only lost you, his greatest love, but had lost the boy he thought of a son. And he had lost the unborn child he had never known about.

And he set a new goal for himself: to destroy Thanos, once, and forever.

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