I will never let anyone hurt you// Bruce Banner x Reader

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Requested by Scencorris. Hope you like it! Sorry for not updating sooner! I'll try to update again as soon as I can! THERE MIGHT BE SPOILERS! Enjoy

"Bruce, what's wrong?" You asked your fiancee, Dr. Bruce Banner. "What? Oh, nothing" he responded. "Are you sure?" You asked him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

" I'm fine! " He yelled. You recoiled back. Lately, he had been very jumpy about everything, yet he didn't want to tell you why.

"I'm -I'm sorry, Y/N" He said. "It's just..." He sighed. " I-I don't know how I'm gonna deal with this, I mean, c'mon, I'm The Hulk! And...and now you can be in danger...And our baby...I just....I just don't want you to get hurt" he said.

You embraced him. "Bruce, listen. I'm not in danger, now am I? And anyways, you don't have to worry, Mr. Hulk. I know you'll protect me and you won't let yourself get killed either. Stop worrying, alright?" You told him.

He nodded. "Alright" he said as he kissed you on the lips.

You heard Thanos snap his fingers and the world around you slowed down for an instant. Then, everything sped back up to normal time.

You looked at your friends, your family around you, and you could see that they were as shocked as you were.

"Steve?" You heard Bucky ask. You turned to him just in time to see him disappear to dust. You gasped and turned away. As you did, you saw T'Challa turning to dust as well, and you turned away.

What's going on? You thought as you ran to where Bruce and Natasha were. Before going any further though, the bundle in your arms began to wail.

You stopped running and looked down at your son. He was a week old, and although against Bruce's wishes, you had come along with your son to Wakanda.

Suddenly, you felt tired and weak. Your legs have out and you fell on your back, your son on your chest.

You heard Natasha and Bruce in his suit coming closer, and then they suddenly stopped. Natasha ran over to your side, alarm on her face.

"Y/N! What's wrong?" She asked. You couldn't answer, you had no idea what was going on.

Suddenly, you heard Bruce yell out as he saw you and he ran over to you.

"Y/N! Oh God...Oh God..." He said as he fell to his knees next to you. " Y/N, not you to...please... " he said as he sobbed on your shoulder.

"What?" You said, until you realized that your legs had given out because they were turning into dust.

"Oh no..." You said. " I love you, Y/N" He said as he gently kissed your forehead. "I love you too, Mr. Dr. Bruce Banner" you said. You took a shaky breath as more of you disappeared.

You gave your son to Nat, and then turned to Bruce. "Promise you'll take care of our son Bruce, please" you said. He nodded with tears in his eyes.

" I love you... " You said as you turned to dust in Bruce's arms.

"No...no, no, no!" He yelled out as he let your dust fall out of his hands. He took your son and looked into his eyes. He smiled up at Bruce, and to his astonishment, he said "Dada". Then he too disappeared.

"Wha-" Bruce said as the blanket fell to the ground. "NO!!!!!!!!" He yelled out, he began to sob in the most heartbreaking manner ever heard.

He yelled out again, and hit his fists on the ground. Natasha tried to calm him, and so did Steve and all the others who found them, but he ignored each and every one of them.

"Don't you understand?!" He yelled out. " I promised I would protect them, but instead they're both gone! My fiancee and my son! My one week old son! And the love of my life! " He yelled out to them.

"I promised to protect them, I promised that I would never let anyone or anything hurt them..." He said between sobs.

" And now...they're gone" he whispered, tears falling down his face.

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