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You look ravishing as always, handsome.

Fairest of them all. Forever and ever, eh? Hehe

Breakfast done, just sneaked back up here before getting down to the grind. We have some presentation today, remember? Hehehe of course you do....

Yah, good mood today. Sun's shining, birds are chirping. New York feels grand. Like when we first came, huh?

Oh and by the way things are proceeding according to plan, so far. I know right?! Five years ago everything had seemed hopeless and now look how far we've come. Sometimes I can't even believe it myself. And it's all thanks to you handsome. Well, me. Me and my persistence, and my stunning looks.

Yeah, me. Aww yeah, work that wink, dude!

By the way, we're getting so close to producing the real thing, the possibility has me breathless.

Aissh, I really AM breathless. Better take care of that...one juicy red apple, coming right up.

Hey wanna hear a joke? Okay, so what kind of apple isn't an apple? Eh? what's that....Give up already? Very well... the answer is a PINEAPPLE hahwhayaahwyah!

Ahhh, but it's too bitter. I just can't get used to the taste. Maybe we should work more on their taste, make them a bit more edible, ne? Why didn't I think of this earlier? Ahh, are we growing forgetful? Mmmm....maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to increase the serum concentration. Although that cuckoo tree man did say an overdose could potentially have damaging effects...

I'll memo the egg-heads, they'll think up of something. Ahh the beauty of nerds working for a common goal--preserving this perfect specimen of the human race is a noble cause and I appreciate their efforts.

Well, guess I'll have to catch you later. I'll have to go down and get an update on the project soon. But hush hush, don't let anyone hear, okay? It's between you and me.

Wink, Wink.

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