When it's real, you can't walk away {Story by JamieM}

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A/N: This takes place when the originals are human but we will go into the future.

Caroline walked out of her hut and instantly ran into Kol Mikaelson. A handsome town boy who has a horrible father. Even though that horrible father wants Caroline to be apart of the family.

"Caroline, darling" Kol's eyes lite up.

"Hello Kol" Caroline smiled.

"Would you like to take a walk?" Kol asked her.

"I would love to Kol" Caroline nodded.

They walked away from Caroline's hut and walked into the words. They were in silence until Caroline broke it.

"So the full moon is tonight" Caroline said.

"Yeah, are you nervous?" Kol turned to her.

"No" Caroline shook her head.

"Don't worry, they can't get into the tunnels" Kol reassured her.

"I know" Caroline nodded.

They continued to walk until they got to a part in the woods know one knew about because it's where the werewolf's transition but Caroline and Kol found it. They walked down the cellar and Caroline looked around.

"You remember this place?" Kol asked looking around.

"How couldn't I, you and I made love in here three months ago" Caroline said to him.

Kol turned to her and smiled. They weren't together because Caroline and Kol weren't aloud to date until their parents agreed to let them marry. Their parents were going to talk about it soon but for now they wanted to get their first times out of the way so that if they do become wedded it will safe them the awkwardness next time.

"Caroline?" Kol called again.

"Hm?" Caroline asked.

"We should get back before the full moon" Kol suggested.

Caroline nodded and they walked out of there and back through the woods. They looked up and knew it was almost time for them to get to the cave. They heard a noise and Kol placed Caroline behind him and pulled out his lucky dagger.

"Hello" Kol called.

"Hello son, just wanted to test something" Mikael came out into the open. Kol put his dagger away and let out a small breath.

"Test what?" Caroline spoke up.

"To see if my son would be a woman's shield if something should happen. Which he just did" Mikael was proud.

"We were just about to help so we could head to the tunnels" Kol spoke up.

"Don't worry, Caroline's family already left and our family is going too. So take Caroline straight there" Mikael said.

"Okay, come on Caroline" Kol gestured her to go first.

Caroline gave a small smile to Mikael and her and Kol disappeared to the tunnels.


Caroline and Kol entered the tunnels together and looked for Caroline's family. Once Caroline spotted her mother, brother, and father she sent them a smile and turned back to Kol.

"I'll see you when dinner is ready" Caroline said.

"Will do" Kol nodded.

Caroline smiled and went to her family and Kol saw his family come in he went to them. Dinner was finished in know time and everybody ate. Elijah and Kol shared funny stories and everyone laughed. They all went to sleep before the moon was high enough.

*Next day*

Caroline woke up bright and early and she saw some other families asleep. She stood up and grabbed her blanket and was on her way home. Moments later Caroline arrived to the village and saw commotion. Caroline ran forward and dropped her blanket when she saw Henrik Mikaelson laying there dead. Caroline saw the whole family crying around him. Kol met her eyes and she didn't know what to say to him. She just put her hand on her heart and walked away with silent tears running down her face. She arrived at her hut and wiped away her tears. Today was just not a awesome day.

*Later that night*

Caroline heard commotion outside. She looked out to see the Mikaelsons with blood on them. Caroline saw Kol turn into her direction with blood smeared all over. Caroline saw Klaus kill a human and then he went over in pain. His siblings went over to him and he looked like he was turning into..... A werewolf. Esther came out and put a spell on him and placed it into a stone of some sort. Caroline felt the need to throw up so she ran to a bucket and emptied her stomach. This wasn't happening. The Mikaelsons were all monsters now, how could Esther do this to them.

*A year later*

Caroline was in a different village raising her son, Maximus Kol Mikaelson. Caroline found out she was pregnant after when Esther died and the family fled. She saw Kol watching her house with a sad expression and then left by himself. She wanted to go and hug him but she didn't. Now she lived with her son. Maximus was sleeping and she smiled at him. She went out to get water from the pond when she heard a noise. She turned to see a woman.

"Who are you?" asked Caroline.

"My name is Mary Porter" she smiled.

"Why are you here?" Caroline got a bad feeling.

Mary bit into her wrist and forced it into Caroline's mouth. Caroline felt the liquid go down her throat and Mary pulled her wrist away. Caroline let out a breath and seconds later Mary snapped her neck like a twig. Caroline fell to the floor and Mary disappeared.

Caroline woke up with a head ache. She heard Maximus crying and she ran to him. She fed him some food and her throat burned. She wanted something really bad. Caroline looked to see it was night time and she heard someone coming. Caroline put Maximus into his homemade bed she made for him. She went outside to see a young girl playing with a rock. Caroline grabbed the handle of Maximus's bed and walked outside with him. Caroline heard the blood of the little girl. She put Maximus on the floor and ran at the girl and tore her throat out. When Caroline was finished she felt power. She picked up the stone and looked at it. This was the stone Esther used a year ago. Caroline knew what she was and that was a vampire. Caroline grabbed Maximus and fled.

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