Chapter 4

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Logan POV

"What did you see Logan??" Cadets asked urgently. "Yes I am curious of that as well.." Edmund stroked his chin. "It was.... multiple images. They just flashed in my mind." I looked down at the table. Maybe......? "Cade. Give me your hand." I look at him. "What?" He gave me a confused look.

I sighed and grabbed his hand. I slammed it onto the table and images flashed in my head once again. But this time they were different.

Optimus with purple eyes. Megatron firing at Edmund A three headed dragon flying over Stone Henge. Vivian struggling to remove Quintessa's staff from somewhere. A strangely familiar looking 'bot holding my sword punching Quintessa. My dad patting the hood of a Peterbuit semi-truck that looks suspiciously like Optimus.

Cade jerked is hand out from under mine with a gasp as the flashing images stopped. "They.... they were different." I gaped athe table. "Those images were different. They weren't the ones I saw before." Vivian put her hand on the table out of curiosity and the swords lifted off the table as it glowed a optic-like blue.

" Woah." I stared at her. " How'd you do that?" "I... I don't know." Vivian looked at Edmund for an explantion. "You, Ms Vivian, are the last decendent of Merlin the Magician." "But he isn't real. Merlin and King Arthur. They're just stories." "Dude." I stopped her.

"Everyone said aliens weren't real and you fricken drove one everyday. Heck, look at Chicago!" I guestured in a random direction to emphasise my point. "Merlin is just as real as me or Optimus Prime."

"I just don't understand. It's all quite overwhelming." Vivian gazed at the table, her eyes glazed. I sighed and ran a hand through my ginger hair. After cutting it a bit less than a year ago, I've kept my hair short so it wouldn't get in the way during a fight.


We ran outside and there were cops out there. " Well shit." I murmered but didn't stop. " I will stop the time!" Hot Rod threw a bomb of some sort. When it exploded the cops inside the radius were moving extremely slow. "I need a bomb like that." I chuckled under my breath. I climbed into Bee's passenger seat. Cade was in the drivers seat and Vivian in the back.


7 year old me was watching the very first Transformers movie. I gazed in admiration at the tv, where Sam Witwicky was sitting in Bee's passenger seat. "I wish I could do that." I smiled. "Logan! Bedtime!"

"But mom! I love this movie!" I pouted and turned off the TV.

~Flashback end~

I came back to the present and yelped, Baricade was literally driving next to us. I mean, I think it was Baricade. He was a police car so Im assuming that it was Barricade. Bee made a sharp turn, which threw me into the door, and we sped down a dead-end street. "Uh, Bee? I hope you know your way around London."

~Time Skip~

Cade was hanging out the car door. No I'm not kiding. I was literally one of the only things keeping him from falling out of Bee. Bee shot at Barricade driving next to us. I somehow dragged Cade back into Bee and the door was put back on. "Bee, if you ever do that again, i swear to Primus." I shuddered a bit angrily. Vivian was very quiet in the backseat so I turned around to make sure she was ok.

"You good?" "I- um- yes." She stuttered back. I smiled at her. "Great cause there's the sub." I pointed out the window.

Bee skidded to a stop and I leapt out. Me and Cade lept out and over the turn tyles. Vivian followed us over. "Sorry! They're with me." I heard Edmund say to the clerk. We raced into the submarine.

And thats this chapter. I am very sorry this took as long as it did. I am in High School and have lots of homework. Im trying to update though. Next chapter will be out as soon as possible!!! Also i apologize if the format is all weird at the part with Logan's vision . Im typing on my tablet and its a bit glitchy.

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