Chapter 7

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"He is so dramatic oh my god."

Logan POV

Optimus looked at me. "And you are....?" I acted offended. "I cant believe you dont reconize me!" I laughed. "Its me, Logan." Optimus looked very shocked. "Yea we got alot to catch up on. But right now we gotta get that staff away from...who ever Megatron is bringing it to." 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bunch of cybertronians jumped down and just started beating on Optimus. "Hey!" I tried to fend them off and away from Optimus. "Stay out of this femme." One of the knights kicked me away, knocking me to the ground. "You choose the wrong side." Another knight growled at Optimus.

I looked at Bee; He was keeping his distance just as I had been instructed to do by one of the knights. Optimus and Cade were surrounded by the 12 knights. "The knights are going to kill me." Optimus announced; He sounded like he was accepting his death. "Optimus no." I murmered but didnt step forward.

"Quintessa is the great Deceiver! The death." The obviously leader knight growled. "Come on OP." I whispered. "Get up please." He cant die. "You can't leave; You gotta help me get home." My voice wouldnt raise above a whisper. I looked away, unable to process exactly what was about to happen. I heard Cade yell something and a sword hitting another sword.

That drew my attention back to Optimus and Cade. There stood Cade holding a sword, blocking one of the knights from hitting Optimus. "Cade??" I gaped at him. Optimus got to his feet and my heart  skipped a beat in relief. "Brothers. I will never betray you again." Turning my attention away from Optimus and the knights, I looked down at the water that remained on the ship to get a look at myself.

    My face looked pretty similar to my human form but instead of hair, I had a violet purple and red helm similar to Optimus'. I sighed and looked back at the knights. Finally able to get a good look at them, they all looked badass and awesome. One of them was red, one was green. I grinned, remembering the dragon in the trailer I saw for the movie; The knights have got to be the 3-headed dragon. 


    I figured out how to transform back into my smol 5'4 human form and was sat in Optimus' alt mode as we sped across the UK landscape. Cybertron was very, and I mean very, close. It was actually very neat to watch as we sped toward the Stonehedge.

     The ground suddenly shook as the first of the 'extensions' of Cybertron crashed into the ground; They also crashed together above us. I watched in wonder at the planet above us and tried to imagine how it looked in its Golden Age before the war. I realized that bits and pieces of Cybertron were falling. "Shit. Optimus! Drive!!!"

   Optimus sped up and I watched as human troops struggled to move fast enough to escape the cascade of debris. I sighed and opened the passenger door. I stepped out and rolled on impact to the ground. "Logan!" I heard Optimus yell. I didnt respond as I transformed into my bot form.

   "Keep going!!" I yelled up at him as I began to run towards the human troops.


I sat in the plane beside Cade and Vivian. Cade was using a oxygen tank due to the low oxygen levels up here. A loud explosion caught my attention and my eyes flew towards the open 'door' to the plane. One of the other planes was going down. "Oh my god." I watched in horror as the rest of the planes also went down, one by one.

     "Deep breaths Logan." I whispered to myself. "Deep breaths." The air whipping through the plane was loud and I couldn't hear Lennox speaking. But I could hear Cade. "What are you doing here??" I looked over.

     "Izzy what the -" I stopped myself. "I dont know." She said nervously. "You said we were family."

      "We gotta get you off this plane Izzy." I said. "Bit late for that." Cade snapped at me. "Wow ok sorry" I put my hands up in a surrendering type way.

      "Hold on everybody! We're going down hard!" Lennox shouted to everyone. As we hit the ground, or at least where we were supposed to land, everything went into slow motion.
    Explosions, gun shots, fricking my hair flying around. Every thing was in slow motion. As the plane stopped, I was dazed and could barely hear but made out "Out of the bird!" from Lennox. I scrambled out of the jet, sword strapped to my back.

    Everything went back to normal speed as a huge gun shot at us, driving us away from the chamber and into a crater. TRF hadn't bothered to supply me with a gun so I was stuck hiding in the crater with Izzy. I looked at the gun; It had us pinned with no escape. "Wheres Optimus??" I shouted, hoping to get an answer. "They said he never made it!" Came the response but I was too focused on the gun to see who replied.

    "Well someone has to take out that gun or else we're screwed." I grumbled to no one. I glanced at Cade; He had his sword gun but was, for some reason, struggling to use it. "Ok Logan. You can do this." I told myself.

     "Sorry Cade!!" I shouted as I grabbed the sword gun out of his hands and bolted toward the gun. "Logan no!!" I heard Cade shouting from behind me. I glanced back; Lennox was holding him back. Good. I watched the gun, trying to figure out a pattern, if it was mechanical (well it was obviously cybertronian) or being controlled by a bot. I was 100 feet from the gun when whatever was controlling it saw my small figure.

      I stopped in my tracks. The gun aimed down at me. I stood my ground, glaring at the window, hoping it was an actual bot controlling the gun. It was, I caught a glimpse of a shadow. "Hey!" I yelled at the gun, already having its attention. "Shoot at me you big idiot!!!" I heard the gun powering up and aimed the sword gun right down the barrel of the huge gun. "Take this bitch." I fired and the huge gun exploded.

    The world went into dramatic slow motion again. I could hear people yelling my name. I couldn't see anything, my eyes must be closed. I landed and my head hit what I landed on hard. "Logan?" It was optimus. I groaned. "Ok shhhhh. Dont move. I'm going to put you in my subspace, you'll be safe there for now." "Optimus..." I groaned again, my head pounding. Then it all went silent.


So thats another chapter!!! I'm so sorry this took so long to get out!!! I am trying guys I swear.

Anyway, the next chapter will be the last and then the 3rd book will begin. I'll try to post more often when I start that one I swear.

Any title ideas for the 3rd book ?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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