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"Y/N~? Where are yoouuu~~~?"

Mom calls out to me in a sing song voice. We're playing hide and seek right now!

"MOM I FOUND HER!" Yoongi! Stop yelling, poopy-face! Mom's gonna find me! I need to win this!

"Gotcha!" Mom says as she rounds the corner. "KYAAAAAAHHH!!" I screamed happily as mom scooped me up and looked down at Yoongi.

"Thanks for helping me find her, my little spearmint." Mom kisses Yoongi on the forehead as he grimaces.

"Mom, we all share the same last name, calling me a spearmint would mean everyone else in our house is." Yoongi puffs up his cheeks and pouts.

"I know, but you're cool like spearmint." Then Mom bends down to whisper, "and I heard only the swaggiest kids around are cool like spearmint."

Yoongi's eyes lit up, he puffs his chest up proudly and says, "Then I'm Mommy's only cool spearmint, because I'm swaggy like one."

I start giggling at how ridiculous he's being. "Mama?" "Yes baby?" "Then what am I?"

"Y/N's a ruby." Yoongi proclaims from below.

"No I'm not," I pout, wriggling out of my mother's grasp as I stand on the ground with Yoongi. "I'm not sparkly or red."

"No, you're not, but you're as precious as one." Yoongi says, poking my forehead.

"That dun make sense." I say, a confused look appearing on my face as my brother holds onto my tiny, 4 year old hands.

"Y/N, how much do you think diamonds are worth?" "A lot?" I ask, still confused.

"Ok then, take that 'a lot' and make it EVEN BIGGER!" Yoongi exclaims, stretching his arms out to emphasize.

"Are you sure? I still don't think I'm a ruby..." "Well you are now." "Why?" " Because I said so, that's why." Yoongi's weird.

*Mom's POV*

My children, my beautiful, sweet children....... I'm sorry, for everything that is to come in the future for the both of you. I hope you can forgive me, especially you, Yoongi, when the both of you find out the horrible things I've done.

I had to do it, for your sake, for my sake, and to at least let you guys hold onto the good memories you have of your late father.

Those Kim's will pay for what they did, eventually. From now on till you are old enough, I'll be right by your sides, but just know that I will disappear one day, and never come back.

I'm sorry, forgive me.

*Yoongi POV*

I just turn 17, and our mother leaves Y/N and I to fend for ourselves. The selfish bitch left a note with all the vital passcodes to bank accounts and security number, but she just left.

With no rhyme or reason, and Y/N IS ONLY 11! Leaving a fucking 11 year old with her 17 year old brother.

*fast forward 3 years*

So that's why she left. She left because she couldn't handle a debt she made herself, so she leaves it to her defenseless children, mother of the fucking century, everyone.

Sold us to a fucking mafia, worst of all, the same ones that killed Dad. I can't stand the old fart who runs this place nor his insufferable children.

Jin is a fucking narcissist who doesn't shut the fuck up about how he's so attractive. Namjoon is always spouting off lectures and facts that NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT, and Taehyung is just creepy.

Worst of all, the mafia dickhead of a father raised these three creeps to be psychos. I've seen them gut their victims and literally bathe in their blood, never a pretty sight.

Mark my words, mother. The day I find you is the day I make you suffer for how you made Y/N and I suffer.

I will protect my ruby to the very end, because she's all I have in this fucking dark world, where people are practically running blind in this darkness.

A/N: Woohoo! Mother's Day special chapter. Doesn't have too much to do with the main story yet it kinda does? Idk, I confuse myself sometimes. But enjoy!

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