A Long Day

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Yoongi and Hoseok were on there way to Hong Kong. Y/N and Jin were having a fun date at a jailhouse, slaughtering as many as they could. So then what are Taehyung and Jimin up to?

They were on a mission. A mission to bring home a certain wandering bunny. Taehyung was like a tiger, crouching and awaiting his prey to come along so he could pounce. Jimin was just silently by his side, holding the equipment and watching everything unfold.

"The tranquilizer please, Jiminie." Taehyung says, holding his hand out. Jimin places it in his hand, the tranquilizer locked and loaded with the heaviest dose Jimin made.

Taehyung waited until Jungkook turned to a corner with less people before shooting. The next thing Jungkook knows is that he's falling face first, and something soft catches him.

A satisfied smirk crosses Taehyung's face as he throws Jungkook over his shoulders and directs Jimin to the car. Jimin solemnly nods and they get in.

Taehyung ties up Jungkook first and then plops him onto the floor like dead-weight. As Jimin sits down, he feels a weight on his lap, and he looks down to see Taehyung's head on his thighs.

"It's been a long day, Jiminie. Just let me enjoy and rest like this for the rest of the trip, ok?" Jimin looks down, seeing that Taehyung fell right asleep after saying that. He too decided to sleep as well.

*skip to arriving home*

Taehyung picks up Jungkook and walks inside, Jimin trailing behind him, strangely silent.

"Jiminie? Why are you so quiet today?" Taehyung asks, tilting his head to the side cutely. Jimin looks up at Taehyung with a blank expression.

"Just thinking....." "About what?" "About how I'm going to say goodbye to Y/N." Taehyung comes to a sudden stop, Jimin accidentally bumping into his back.

Taehyung slowly turns around, a grin getting even bigger as he turns to get a good look at Jimin. Then he finally pops the huge question lingering in his head.

"OMIGOSH JIMINIE DOES THAT MEAN YOU'VE DECIDED TO STAY WITH ME FOREVER?!?!?!" His elated screeches echoing the thick walls of the penthouse.

Jungkook stirs over his shoulder and Taehyung lowers his voice. "Yeah.... I thought about it long and hard. It's not like your going to let me go anytime soon." Jimin chuckles.

Jimin looks down at his feet sadly, knowing it's for the best. Taehyung left alone would become even more unstable, and Jimin seemed to be a pacifier for him and his demons. (A/N: get out ya pervs)

Jimin and Jungkook made Taehyung more stable, and Jimin was already seeing changes. The changes were minuscule, but Jimin could see it. Taehyung had less rage fits, and would cuddle more than he would torture.

"I'm going to send Yoongi, Hobi and Y/N each a letter. I'll tell them why I'm staying with you, and you won't need to worry about me leaving." Jimin says, sitting down at the dining table with a black pen and some paper.

Taehyung comes up from behind Jimin and just hugs him. They stay in that position for a few minutes. Taehyung started quietly sobbing into Jimin's fluffy hair. "Thank you, Jiminie, for staying with me."

"It's what it means to be a best friend, is it not?" Jimin asks, reaching his arm back to ruffle Taehyung's hair while he starts to write the letters.

And Jungkook is still sound asleep in Taehyung's room, also still tied up. (A/N: lol Jungkook has like no say in this whatsoever lololol)

*On the plane*

"Yoongi, she's fine. I'm the one that trained her." Hoseok trys to calm the seething and worried Yoongi.

"I'm not just scared of that! What if they end up killing each other?!" "They? What do you mean they?" Hoseok asks getting confused since he thought only Seokjin was the dangerous one.

"You're telling me you never noticed?" Yoongi looks at Hoseok, an incredulous look directed at him. "Notice what?" Hoseok asks, still confused considering Yoongi was making no sense.

"Y/N is on the same level of messed up as Seokjin is, except she still has somewhat of a hold on her sanity." Yoongi says, making sure to word it properly so that Hoseok has a grasp of the concept.

As Hoseok's eyes widen along with his mouth, Yoongi quickly reaches a hand out to clamp his mouth shut. Hoseok unleashes a muffled, yet blood-curdling scream of realization and Yoongi just lowers his head in embarrassment.

"SO YOU'RE TELLING ME I DIDN'T NEED TO WORRY ALL ALONG?!?! AND IF YOU KNEW WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?! HOLY FUCK, AT THIS POINT I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF EITHER ONE WILL BE ALIVE BY THE TIME WE GET THERE!!!" Hoseok continues his muffled rant as Yoongi attempts to make him aware of his surroundings.

Yoongi quickly slaps Hoseok, pulling him back down to earth and giving a quick explanation. "I've known for a while, she most likely started after Mom left, but at this point it can be hard to tell. I was only worried because Jin is a guy. No matter how strong Y/N is, Jin can overpower her since he has a bigger physique."

The explanation ended shortly after and they started landing. Yoongi and Hoseok were running through the airport to catch a ride of some sort, when a notification went off on Yoongi's phone.

From Lil Ruby Sis: Hi big brother~ You probably found out where I am already. Rest assured everything is under control. You don't need to come after Jin anymore. I think I'll stay with him. We just finished our delightful date and we have a lot more in common than I thought. If you want to visit, you can. I'll probably reek a little tho. See ya later~! 😘

"Yeah...... I'm so going after Jin now." Yoongi says as he squeezes his phone and runs off again.

A/N: SURPRISE! DOUBLE UPDATE!!! Things have taken such a fun turn, I can't wait to write the next chapters. See ya guys at the 2K Festa! I'll write a 2K celebration post on this book and you can put your questions there instead.

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