Chapter 23

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Hello people from Wattpad! I hope you had a great weekend :) I didn't really do much, just hanged around and did some homework. But, I was finally able to update on time! Yay!

Here's chapter 23! I hope you enjoy it. Please...




Enjoy! <3

Chapter 23

Emily found herself alone in her house around three in the afternoon. Aunt Kayla and uncle Malcolm decided to visit one of their old friends before Christmas eve and Scott and Luke had to go run some errands. Emily didn't really mind. She wanted to have some alone time to think about her relationship with Scott and how much it had progressed in three days.

They bonded a lot over the holidays, and even though she felt like a jerk for thinking this way, she was thankful that Scott's parents had gone on that unexpected trip. It was selfish, but it was the truth. If they hadn't traveled, then Scott wouldn't have stayed at her place and they wouldn't have gotten to know each other as well as they had.

After lying around on her comfortable bed, staring at the ceiling and letting her imagination run wild, Emily decided to go downstairs to get everything cleaned up for dinner. Everybody was going to be there, including Matthew and Jacob, his little brother. Besides, now that Scott and Luke were invited as well, she wanted everything to be perfect.

She skipped down the stairs and grabbed a broom from a hidden closet in the kitchen. Turning up the music at maximum volume, she got down to business.

Once Emily heard Whitney Houston 'I wanna dance with somebody' she was a goner. She let her personality flourish, singing and dancing with no care in the wold. That was one of her favorite songs, so there were no inhibitions holding her back. Using the broom stick as a microphone, she began performing the concert of her life.

It wasn't until the second verse that Scott and Luke decided to make their presence known, clearing their throats with smiles on their handsome faces.

Emily stopped dead on her tracks, almost passing out from embarrassment. Why did they have to arrive at the worst possible timing?! She turned around slowly and painfully, refusing to meet their stare and focusing her eyes on the ground.

"Wow, Em. Didn't know you could dance like that" Scott teased, making her blush even a deeper shade of pink.

She had no words.

"Hey, it's okay. You should hear Scott when he's in the shower. At least you can sing. This guy makes the sound of nails against chalkboard sound like angels" Luke chipped in, making his big brother slap the back of his head playfully.

Emily couldn't help but laugh at Luke's comment, making both boys smile sheepishly at the girl.

All embarrassment was long forgotten.

"So, what were you guys up to?" She asked, turning off the radio and sitting on the kitchen counter, an annoying habit her aunt seemed to hate.

Scott and Luke threw each other mysterious glances before shrugging their shoulders at the same time, making them look like twins.

"Nothing much. I see you've been cleaning" Scott answered mysteriously, avoiding the topic and grabbing the broom from the wall Emily had left it against.

Emily simply nodded, always being a woman of few words.

"We'll help you out" Luke offered, grabbing the duster from the hidden cabinet and getting down to work.

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