Chapter 4: A Silent Man

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Later on the afternoon, Jimin was sitting outside in the balcony of his apartment on his laptop, he was sitting on a small cushion mostly used around the table for people to gather and sit on and was doing nothing but typing up a few blogs and fixing it time to time. Jimin was dressed in a big black coat, black loose pants for the cold and inside was layers of shirts. One white sleeved shirt under a pastel blue T-shirt as Jimin's coat was wrapped over the two shirts due to the cold.

The boy had his legs crossed, reading over his work he was blogging about when he headed out abroad in Hawaii. His blogs were often used by people to decide on what they want to see or where they want to travel. Jimin took the opportunity to travel around and make blogs so others can find beautiful landmarks or even have a moment to theirselves in a peaceful place. Of course, Jimin only wished he had this as a full job but it was only half of the picture. After blogging, Jimin would have to write in a magazine on the latest trends, then he interviewed celebrities through e-mail or even face to face so he can get work done for the weekly magazines he worked with.

Jimin stayed outside, listening to the wind brush against his ear with seagulls cawing. Since Jimin was now living by the sea, he would have to get use to the sounds of the seagulls, the waves crashing onto the shore and the scent of saltwater he would pick up from the ocean. Jimin sighed as he started to type quickly about his experiences in Hawaii, France and Rome.

While Jimin was typing, he heard small taps coming from the balcony on the third floor. There was only a few selected rooms that were given balconies. So not all rooms had them. Jimin looked up to where the sound was coming from and tried to distinguish any other sounds and only focoused on the anonymous tapping that sounded like a rhythmic beat.

Jimin kept staring up as this alone distracted him. He wished whoever was doing this would atleast sing as well. But it was just a quick beat that was going on and Jimin just stared at the balcony above him that was across on Jimin's side of the room. Only then, Jimin decided to work through the sounds from up the balcony, and only then, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him. This alone made Jimin flinch and hope not to look up again as the tapping slowly came to a stop. It was a horrible feeling, he felt his shoulder was receiving sharp needles in his skin with just this stare.

Jimin let out an exhale as Taehyung finally walked out, holding two bags of take out food while he wore a red blanket around his white sleeved shirt, blue jeans and white Gucci shoes that had a red snake along the heel of the shoe. "Hi Jimin! How's work?" Taehyung asked as Jimin felt the stares slowly fade away like nothing happened.

"O-Oh... Um it's going great!" Jimin said hesitantly while Taehyung dropped the bag onto Jimin's lap, sitting down on the cushion Jimin was on and looking at the work Jimin was typing.

"You misspelled 'Hawaii' it's supposed to be '하와이' not '하와에' what do you think this is? Let's all go around and call Hawaii, HawaEH." Taehyung teased as Jimin giggled and look up to the balcony to see a pale, masculine, hand instantly remove from the side of the balcony rails.

"I-I was distracted!" Jimin added as Taehyung took out a french fry and layed on Jimin's lap, gazing at the laptop screen. "Get off you're distracting me."

"Agh you are so mean to me lately! That is no way to treat your sEX SLAVE!" Taehyung shouted to embarrass Jimin. Watching the older flinch and quickly shove Taehyung off.

"TAEHYUNG!" Jimin laughed and shoved him again, hitting his arm as Taehyung suddenly let out a loud fake moan.

"AH MASTER! I'LL BE A GOOD BOY!" Taehyung yelled as Jimin closed the laptop, got up and started kicking Taehyung as hard as he could but the younger just layed on the balcony floor, letting out fake sobs while he felt Jimin's weak attempt of a kick.

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