Chapter 66: Talk to me

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             Yoongi's hand was still held by Hoseok while they were walking out of the park, as for Hoseok, he had his arm around Taehyung. It just didn't seem right to Yoongi and neither to Taehyung as well. Yet, Taehyung was only gazing down to the ground in silence. Not wanting to say a word because he knew Hoseok was holding hands with Yoongi right by him.

            "Hoseok are you planning on finishing your mixtape today? The project is due next week." Yoongi asked as Hoseok smiled and Taehyung grew jealous from it all. He wanted his lover's attention... But how could he obtain it if Yoongi was always there? Taehyung knew he couldn't hate Yoongi. After all, the older did warn him about this and Taehyung just threw it aside, believing that it was nothing but a misconception.          

            "I'll probably get around to it tonight or maybe tomorrow morning. What about you?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi let go of Hoseok's hand and stepped forward.

          "I guess I should start going home now to work on it. It was fun today. Thank you both for inviting me and... Maybe someday you and I can hang out more, Taehyung." Yoongi said so blankly that made Hoseok laugh and nudge Taehyung's shoulder.

          "O-Oh.. I'll look forward to it!" Taehyung replied. Trying not to sound like something was on his mind and weighing him down.

          Yoongi pulled his usual mischievous smile and walked away as Hoseok turned his head to face Taehyung. "Why are you so silent today?~" Hoseok wondered and poked Taehyung's cheek. But this only made the younger move away from Hoseok and start walking to the apartment complex. "Taehyung? Where are you going?" Hoseok worried and pursued the younger to reach out for his arm but Taehyung stopped walking and pulled his arm forward as soon as Hoseok placed his fingertip along the younger's elbow.

           Suddenly the temperature around them seemed to get colder and the atmosphere was still and silent. Just nothing but snow falling from the dark skies now.

           Taehyung held his own hand and rubbed it softly. Not wanting to turn around to Hoseok and start a fight with the one he loves. But the younger knew he had to do it or else Hoseok would keep doing this to him. "Why... Why do you suddenly want to hold my hand..?" Taehyung whispered. Yet, it was clear and loud enough for Hoseok to pick up the boy's words.

               "What do you mean..?" Hoseok asked and stepped up, only to see Taehyung step forward in silence again. "Taehyung.. What's wrong?" Hoseok asked as he tried to place his hand on the younger's shoulder... But that only resulted in him stepping forward again and finally looking back in tears. Pointing his body towards the older and focusing on the man before him.

            "You... You were holding Yoongi's hand through it all! Throughout the whole time we were together, you held his hand!  No wonder you made sure you were in the middle!" Taehyung shouted as Hoseok looked around to make sure no one was watching.


            "Don't you 'Tae' me! Hoseok! How could you invite Yoongi and tell him that the two of you were going to spend some time together?!" The boy shouted again and made Hoseok sigh and look down at the ground. "D-Don't lie, I know you wouldn't. So, tell me the truth."

           "I... Did invite him like that...only so the both of you could become friends. I know this seems stupid to talk to an ex that basically made my life hell, but.. I want him to stay as my friend..." Hoseok added and made Taehyung realize what Hoseok was trying to talk about.

            "If you... love him. Save me from the heart aches and tell me now..." Taehyung then began to sob uncontrollably. "I-I'm not who you want and I can see that now!"

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