Chapter 11: An eerie atmosphere

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           Jimin let out a huff of warm breath as he made it up the first set of stairs. There was a platform in between the first set and the second set of the stairs that Jimin took a moment to look around and feel the atmosphere thicken. Only realizing it was just his fear that was growing within him.

          Jimin started walking up the steps of the second stair set, it was pure silence now and all he could hear now was the thumps of his heart beating with anxiety roaring in his mind. Jimin finally reached the top of the steps, recalling the time he witnessed the figure standing before him. Turning away after and starting to whistle as he walked down the hall. Jimin could still hear the echoes in his head and only keep a blank face while he shined the light down the spine-chilling hall.

         There already seemed to be a few lights down the hall and what was expected was nothing but a mess

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         There already seemed to be a few lights down the hall and what was expected was nothing but a mess. Graffiti, moss growing along the halls and the hall way alone would be flooded with red light, however, it looked like a normal hall. The only red that filled Jimin's eyes was the exit sign down the hall. Jimin looked around flashed his light towards a door to see the room number. C-16 was the number on the door and all Jimin did was not even bother to walk inside. This wasn't the door above his.

            Jimin walked down the silent hall and all he can hear is his own footsteps on the cold floor. He constantly checked behind himself countless times and made sure he kept his eyes focused at the task at hand. He needed to find out who this mysterious man was. Jimin suddenly remembered which room in this floor that had a key absent in the landlord's office. This made Jimin look up ahead at the exit sign, blinking red as if it was going to give in any moment. Let alone, the lights were dimmed and hanged on the walls which made Jimin worry of those turning off too.

          Jimin walked past three rooms now, so far there was another set of fifteen rooms here and all he did was gaze down the halls. Trying his best to keep his breathing steady and his heart from jumping out of his chest due to all the fear he held built up inside. Jimin hesitated to stop and call out for the man, fearing he might come from the rooms behind Jimin and end up bagging the boy's head and dragging him into the room. Jimin quickly disposed of the thought while his mouth grew parched and it was difficult to sweat in fear since the hall was very cold like the air coming from the vents were on and the windows leading to the outside was drawn open. Welcoming the cold air. Just simple shirt layers didn't seem good enough for this temperature now.

             Jimin started to hear the wind howling from a window that was boarded up and covered with a big dark blue curtain. From the holes of the decaying wood, the wind rushed into the abandoned floor. "Why would they still keep this floor abandoned? They should at least send a few people up here to clean the rooms, fix the lights and then there will be more room for others to stay in. Of course, it is available to others... They just don't want to live in a place like this!" Jimin thought to keep him distracted from the silent hall.

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