Chapter 2

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(I usually don't publish chapters around 9 pm,but I decided to publish it early)

(Anyways,let's get started)

[in underswap]

The surface

Error!Sans pov

ShE LoOks.......AbSoLuTeLy BeAuTiFuL~!.OnCe ThE GuY I WaS ChOkiNg WaS DeAd,I ApPrOaChEd HeR.

Your pov

My jaw dropped at the horrific scene that was taking place before my eyes."HeY ThErE BeAuTiFuL PuPpEt~",I heard a deep glitchy male voice say.I looked behind me and saw a black skeleton (not being racist) with a blue line running down his eye sockets,red eye sockets,a white pinprick in one eye socket,and a blue/white/yellow one in the other,a black hoodie with blue fur on the hood,black basketball shorts with white(?) lines on 'em,and red slippers."H-Hi s-sir? A-Are you and maybe some o-other people causing this d-destruction?",i said.He nodded and said:"Y-Yep! WaNt Me To InTrOdUcE YoU To ThE OtHeRs?".I said:"Uh actually-",I was interrupted when he said:"GrEat!".He looked at what seemed to be his friends(?).I did too and saw a skeleton with tentacles,a skeleton with white pinpricks in both eye sockets and black stuff comin' out of the eye sockets,and these two (don't feel like describing anymore):

I did too and saw a skeleton with tentacles,a skeleton with white pinpricks in both eye sockets and black stuff comin' out of the eye sockets,and these two (don't feel like describing anymore):

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[Wonder:yeesh they look scary

Elizabeth (aka me or admin):yeah]

"HeY GuYs! LoOk At WhAt I FoUnD! ShE's ReALLy PrETty!",error said.All four of them looked at me.They said things like:"she's so beautiful!" Or:"she's really cute".Stuff like that."Are you gonna kill her?",the one with the big hole in his head said."No HoRrOr!",error said.huh,interesting name.Horror looked at me like this:

The look gave me a mini heart attack

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The look gave me a mini heart attack.I grabbed my phone and checked the time:4:45 pm."Sorry guys but I gotta go,see ya!",i said.I walked away,and once I was out of their vision,I ran the rest of the way home.

Error!Sans pov

ShE WeNt HoMe.DaMn It,Me AnD ThE OtHeRs DiDn'T GeT To LeArN HeR NaMe."Dont worry error,when she goes to sleep tonight,i'll give her a nightmare and force her to give me her name,then share that info with you and horror,dust,and killer",NiGhTmArE SaiD."Why hello guys".ThReE FaMiLiAr VoiCeS SaiD.Me AnD ThE OtHeRs LoOkEd BeHiNd Us AnD SaW ThE StAr SaNsEs."Typical of you guys to go into the good section of au's and try to destroy it by killing people first then destroying the code",InK SaiD.DAMN iT! I FucKing hate THAT RAINBOW pieCe Of ShiT!."We'd love to fight,but can't we just talk about this? Maybe we can......end the war?",DrEaM SaiD."Never,this will last for all eternity!",NiGhTmArE SaiD."YOU GUYS BETTER STOP DESTROYING MY HOME,OR ELSE THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WILL BEAT YOU TO OBLIVION",BLuE SaiD.DuSt WaLkEd OvEr To BLuE AnD StOoD ReALLy CLoSe To HiM.He GrAbbEd BLuEs ChiN AnD BroUgHt HiS FaCe ReAL CLoSe To HiS."Sounds cute blue,but if your gonna threaten us,make it sound.....I don't know....more scary?!",DuSt SaiD.He LeT BLuE's FaCe Go AnD SLaPPeD HiM,ThEn WaLkEd BaCk To ThE OtHeR GuYs.BLuE StArTeD CrYiNg,WhiCh MaDe NiGhTmArE HaVe A ShiT EaTiNg GriN On HiS FaCe."Hey! that was not cool dust!",DrEaM SaiD.He StArTiNg CoMFoRtiNg BLuE,WhiLe Me AnD ThE OtHeRs LaUgHeD OuR BoNy AsS'S OFF."Alright guys,instead of fighting some more,let's call it a day and go back home to our respective au's,except for error,he'll be going back to his side of the anti-void",NiGhTmArE SaiD.I OpEnEd A PoRtAL To My SiDe Of ThE AnTi-VoiD AnD JuMpEd ThROUGH It,ThE PoRtAL CLoSiNg BeFoRe AnYoNe CaN GeT ThRoUgH.

Nightmare!Sans pov

Once error left,I opened a portal,then let dust,horror,and killer jump through it first,then I jumped in after.

[in the hallway of the sacreds]

Once we we're in the hallway of the sacreds,the portal closed behind us and we walked straight,then right this time,not left,'cause right is where the bad au's are.When I opened the door that had a sign that said:Bad Au's,we all walked further into the room of bad au's,with me closing the door behind us.Once we found our au's,we went to them.

Ink!Sans pov

While dream was comforting blue,I started fixing the damage they made with my paintbrush.I ignored reaper!sans,aka the grim reaper,who was muttering things under his breath and reaping the souls of the innocent.After that,he mysteriously disappeared.

UnderSwap!Sans (aka blue or blueberry) pov

Why did dust have to be so mean to me? The most kindest version of sans there is,besides dream?!

DreamTale!Sans pov (like I said *i think*,in this,they'll have their own au,but a separate side)

"Hey dream! Blue! I just got an idea!",ink said."What?",me and blue said."How about we get our revenge and try to destroy one of the bad guy's au's?".I said:"ummm ink,I don't thin-",I got interrupted when ink said:"I know what your gonna say dream,but hey,I think it's a good idea!".Blue said:"but that's not what good guys do!".

Ink!Sans pov

"But that's not what good guys do!",blue said.I sighed and said:"sorry blue,but......

It's the only way they'll learn their lesson".

A/n:there you go guys! hope you liked the chapter I wrote.

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