Chapter 7

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Elizabeth:I was supposed to publish this 2 days ago but forgot to

Wonder:but she says she's sorry about that


Wonder:anyways let's get this started!

[In Underswap]

The surface

Your Pov

I was wondering if anything would happen to me or others.I shrugged it off and got up (I think I said in the last chapter that it's morning time).After a few minutes or so,I had finished eating (I think she was gonna eat as well).I decided to go outside to my frontyard.The sun was shining,the birds we're singing.....everything was perfect.I saw a few cars drive by,and some people walk by with their dogs/cats.Man I love dogs/cats! (You can choose which you like)

[In The Antivoid]

Error!Sans Pov

I WaS WaTcHiNg My PuPP-I MeAn Y/n ThRoUgH A SmALL PoRtAL.I SiGhEd HaPPiLy.MaN I LoVe ThAt WoMaN~

Classic!Ink!Sans and Error!Sans pov (didn't expect that,didn't you?)

I love how pretty her hair looks/I LoVe HoW PrEttY HeR HaiR LoOks

I love how shes so nice and determined/I LoVe HoW ShE's So NiCe AnD DeTeRmiNeD

I just love......everything about her/I JuSt LoVe.......EvErYtHiNg AbOuT HeR~

She is mine~/ShE Is MiNe~

[In The DoodleSphere]

Classic!Ink!Sans Pov

I put down my magic notebook and grabbed my phone from my pocket.I turned it on and sent error a text.


Glitch:yeah?  (His text messages won't be glitchy)

Skittles:can you come over here?

Glitch:sometimes I wonder why I gave you this number-I mean sure,I guess.

I put my phone back in my pocket and waited for error to come.Several minutes or so later,a portal opened up,revealing error.He stepped out of the portal,closing it behind him."W-WhAt Is It InK?",he asked me.I said:"Do you wanna share y/n?".Error thought about it for a moment,then said:"FiNe,We CaN ShArE HeR".I smiled."Great! Now what do we do?",i asked Error.He grinned evilly and said:"L-LeTs Go GeT WhAt BeLoNgS To Us~".I nodded and we went to the universe y/n lived in:Underswap.

[In Underswap]

The surface

Your Pov

I was walking down the sidewalk with some friends of mine.We we're all having a good time,until one of them said something about a portal opening up.I looked at it and saw ink and error step out of it and error close it behind him.They both looked at me,evil grins on their skeletal faces.I backed up a bit and said to my friends:"we have to run,NOW!".They nodded and I ran away from ink and error,with my friends following me.

Classic!Ink!Sans Pov

"LoOkS LiKe OuR PuPPeT HaS RaN AwAy FrOm Us.I MeAn DoE's ShE KnOw ThAt We LoVe HeR?",Error asked me.I said yes."ThEn I GuEsS We'LL HaVe To PuNiSh HeR~".I chuckled."And I know how~",I said.Error and me then ran after y/n and her friends.

Your Pov

I looked back,making sure not to stop running.I was breathing heavily and couldn't run much longer though."We need to stop somewhere",I said.One of my friends said to stop behind a tree,and another said to stop at a giant bush.The third one said to hide behind a giant bush AND a tree that they saw."Great idea",I said.All of us ran behind the giant bush and tree and sat down behind it.We we're breathing heavily,but trying to make sure that we weren't gonna get caught by ink and error.

Error!Sans Pov

"We'Ve LoSt HeR",I SaiD.I WaSn'T ReALLy TiReD Of RuNNiNg,I JuSt StOPPeD BeCaUsE I CoULd."Error don't be stupid:People in that situation have most likely hidden behind a tree or bush somewhere",InK SaiD."TruE.ShOuLd We SePeRaTe So We CaN FiNd HeR aNd HeR FriEnDs?",I AsKeD InK.InK NoDDeD AnD SaiD:"Yes,great idea.And when one of us finds her,we bring her to the other and take her to my place,or take her to an abandoned house and just punish her there".I SaiD:"GoOd PLan.ALsO I CaLL BeiNg ToP~".Ink GiGGLeD AnD We BoTh StArTeD LoOkiNg FoR HeR.

Classic!Ink!Sans Pov

This guy has been my enemy for a long time,longer than I can remember.But what's weird,is that  we're both sharing a girl,that we both love.When it came to au's,he wanted to destroy them all,and when he tried,I was always there to fight back and defend the au.But now,it's like he doesn't even care about the au's anymore.Though then again,in a way I guess that's good,especially cause back then,the less destruction he did,the less fighting I was forced to do.I started giggling,which lead to me laughing evilly.I looked at the vials I had on me and thought:"why am I feeling my own....emotions? do I even need these vials anymore?".I sighed and grabbed my paintbrush.When I find y/n,me and error both are going to punish her,severely.She won't be dead though,that'd be bad.We'll just give her a punishment only WE will enjoy~

As for her friends......i w i l l s p r e a d b l o o d e v e r y w h e r e.I don't care if I get some of it on me,Error probably wouldn't care either.I only care that we get what we want,and if it means killing some people,then s o.b e.i t~!

Third Person Pov

Uh oh,looks like ink and error have gone full on yandere at this point.This might be a question you thought about:"What will happen next?".Well,you'll find out in the next chapter.

A/n:and that's it

Wonder:hope you enjoyed :)

Elizabeth:one more thing,there will be smut in the next chapter.

Wonder:yeah,and probably a little bit of gore.

Elizabeth:if you don't like that stuff,then...............I don't know what to tell ya :T

Yandere!Error!Sans x Female!Reader x Yandere!Ink!SansWhere stories live. Discover now