Chapter 9

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Elizabeth:Sorry I didn't publish this earlier ^^'

Wonder:Hey nothing bad happened sooooooooooo your good

Elizabeth:anyways let's get this started

[In UnderFell]

The underground

[Everybody's still at the inn]

Your Pov

"Will this reign of terror ever stop?",I thought in my head.I sighed,knowing that ink and error we're still cuddling me,not wanting to let me go.Suddenly,all three of us heard a knock on the door and a familiar voice."Y/n! It's me,blue! I just came to see if you wanted to hang out.I can't sleep",he said.I was gonna say something,but error interrupted me by saying:"DoN't BoThEr CoMiNg In BLuE BoY".I heard blue gasp and next thing I know,he breaks down the door with a bunch of bones that he summoned."I feel bad for the person who's gonna have to repair that",I thought in my head.Blue saw me,error,and ink naked and lying on the bed (I think all three of them we're naked in the last chapter as well).He said:"Error,Ink,I command you to-".Error got off of me,quickly got dressed,and summoned blue's soul.He surrounded blue's soul in his magic and lifted him a few feet in the air.

Error!Sans Pov

"YoU KnoW TeLLiNg Me AnD InKy WhAt To Do WoN't Do AnYtHiNg",I SaiD,LoOkiNg At BLuE WiTh A SeRiOuS FaCe.I WrAppEd BLuE In My StRiNgS AnD ThReW HiM To A CoRnER Of ThE RoOm,HeAriNg HiS SkuLL CrAcK A LiTTLe.

Classic!Ink!Sans Pov

I gently pushed y/n off of me and got off the bed,ignoring the little mess we made on it.I grabbed my clothes,put them on,and walked over to Error."Are we gonna torture him for a bit or no?",i asked him.Error said:"MaYbe,If He KeEp'S CaUsiNg TroUbLe".I nodded and looked to my right,seeing blue at one of the corners.He was whimpering.I don't know why but I don't care.

Your Pov

While ink and error we're distracted,I sat up on the messy bed and looked around me,looking for my phone.I decided to check the nightstand that was next to the bed by opening one of the drawers.I saw my phone and grabbed it,then closed and looked at my phone.Has it always been there? Doesn't matter cause me and blue needed help,FAST.I turned it on,unlocked it.and went to the messages app,tapping on the first name I saw in the list of conversations.


You:Hey uhhhhhh something really bad happened to me and blue (but mainly me),and we need to be saved,NOW!

Morgan:Say no more girl,I got this.

I turned off my phone and put it down on the nightstand,then attempted to get up.I then realized I couldn't so I continued to lay down,still being naked from head to toe.About a minute later Morgan,Dream,and Derek came rushing into the room.I heard dream say:"Derek,go over to blue and help him.Morgan,go over to y/n and help her".I heard 2 pairs of footsteps go in different directions.I looked to my left and saw morgan herself standing there on the left side of the bed.She had grabbed my clothes and was holding them in her hands."Need help putting these on y/n?",she asked me.I said yes and she started helping me.I could hear dream,ink,and error fighting in the background.

Morgan's Pov (I know you guys weren't.....EGGspecting this)

I never said this to anyone but......I'm a Lesbian,which basically means I feel sexual attraction towards girls.I had a huge crush on y/n ever since we first met,but I had to put that asside because i almost immediately figured out that y/n was heterosexual,aka straight (Sorry if you guys aren't!).Plus with the situation that's going on right now,I have no choice but to continue hiding my crush on y/n until the situation dies down,which hopefully does happen.

Your Pov

A few minutes later,Morgan finished helping me get dressed.I can still hear dream fighting ink and error.I felt Morgan lift me up and put me on her shoulders like a farmer carrying a sack of potatoes.I raised an eyebrow and asked her what she was doing."I'm gonna take you outside to the hallway and we'll both wait for derek,dream,and blue",she said.I nodded and morgan snuck me outside to the hallway.

Dream!Sans Pov

With derek's help,I managed to get ink and error distracted.He got blue and we ran outside to the hallway.I looked at morgan and y/n,then said:"We need to find another au to hide in,asap",I said.They both nodded and me,morgan,derek,and blue started running down the hallway.Morgan was carrying y/n,so y/n didn't have to run.

Derek's Pov (Didn't expect this either didn't you?)

Approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds later,we we're outside.The reason we ran so fast was cause we had to get away from error and ink.We had no choice."Alright guys,anyone got any suggestions as to what au we should go to?",dream said.Not even 10 seconds later,blue says:"How about SwapFell?"

Third Person's Pov

When blue said SwapFell,dream realized something:He knew it was another au where the monsters weren't so nice,but did they all have a choice? Ehhh not really,so dream agreed with blue and he took all 4 of them there.

A/n:well there you go ^-^ again sorry for the chapter coming out late

Wonder:hopefully you enjoyed it though and we'll see you in the next one :D

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