Chapter 5

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(Nightmare:author,what did I tell you?!

Me:what is it now?


Me:I'm sorry! A bunch of stuff happened,but it's  over now,so I can continue writing again.

Nightmare:*sighs* thank god,now get started.

Me:*rolls my eyes* fine *mutters under my breath:jackass*)

Third Person pov

This will pick up where I left off,which includes where they we're last time.

Nightmare!Sans pov

"So? JuSt BeCaUse I LiVe In An AnTiVoiD,DoEsN't MeAn I JusT Go ArOuNd TaKiNg PeOpLes Au's! REMEMBER THE X-EVENT",Error said.

When error mentioned the x-event,it gave me flashbacks.It showed me every single thing that happened.I pushed them to the back of my mind and shook my head.Those memories aren't really important to me,or to anyone in particular,in my opinion."So,what now boss?",Horror asked me.I said:"You,dust,and killer can stay at the castle.As for Error,he can continue living in his antivoid or whatever".All three of them nodded and I opened  a portal back to my place.I looked at Error and said:"well,see you later,I guess".He nodded and opened a portal to the antivoid,then went through it.The portal closed behind him shortly after.Dust,horror,and killer went through the portal I made,with me following them.

[in DreamTale]

At nightmares castle

Dust!Sans pov

"Brother! I can't believe what I just saw earlier! The amount of exp and destruction i saw!",Papyrus said,who's just a floating head with a scarf and hands."I know,cool right?",i said.Papyrus giggled,which made me smile a little."Alright Guys,you can choose your room you'll be staying in.Theres plenty",nightmare said.Me and the other guys nodded and went our separate ways to find a room.

[back in the au the reader is in

*sorry,I may forget some things*

*its just been so long .-. *]

Your pov

Looking at all of the destruction,I was frightened-no,traumatized.I couldn't believe it.This wasn't even an au where any bad versions of sans lived! Thank goodness it didn' didn't........What's the word? Ehhhhh why bother trying to remember? Anyways,I grab my phone from my pocket and check the time:9:30 pm.Geez? That late?! (I know that may not be late to some but I just came up with a random time)

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked back home,because I'm actually tired.My h/l h/c hair is a mess,I'm a little bit cold,and I'm tired (obviously).A few minutes later,once I get home,I unlock the front door using my own house key and open the door,then walk inside and close/lock the door behind me.I walk upstairs,go to my room,put the phone on the nightstand,then lay down on my soft and comfy bed.I moaned (not in the sexual way >:T ) from the feeling of comfort.It just felt so good to finally lay down on something soft.

Fuck it,I never wanna leave my bed.Never,ever.Eventually,I fall asleep,cause of my dumb human body.

/2 Hours Later/

Dream!Sans pov

I decided to go into the dreamscape (which if you didn't know already,is basically a void where it displays different humans/monsters/hybrids dreams *which unfortunately can be turned into nightmares,by UNO you.

Ayyyyyyyyy I made a pun)

I look around until I find y/n's screen (I don't think he's been told the readers name yet,but what the heck?) and jump into it.I summon happy things,like talking animals.Hopefully y/n notices,because I wanna see her reaction to them (no he's not in love with her).

[in the antivoid]

Errors side

Third Persons pov

"Alright you glitchy boy,I'm bringing you with me to the dreamscape"

"WhAt The LiViNg HeLL? SqUiWaRd,WhY WoULd I CaRe WhAt PeOpLe ArE DrEaMiNg AbOuT?"

"Idiot it's not about that! I'm just bringing you,and only you,to the dreamscape so you can terrorize someone's dream with me"

"WhY NoT BriNg ThE OtHeRs? YoU MiGhT As WeLL"

"Because I don't feel like it,ok?"

"UgH,FiNe WhAtEvEr"

After nightmare and error's short conversation ended,nightmare made a portal to the dreamscape and they both jumped through it,with the portal closing behind them shortly after.

[in the Doodles Sphere]

Classic!Ink!Sans pov

While blue and horror me are in the background doing something,I was watching nightmare and error.They're going to the dreamscape? This doesn't sound good.Looks like I'm gonna have to go there too and try to stop whatever they plan on doing.

[in the DreamScape]

Nightmare!Sans and Error!Sans pov

Once we we're both there,we walked down the hall,until we found a screen displaying dream and the reader.We decided to jump in and go after dream.

Error!Sans pov

HeH,I GeT To See ThE BeAuTiFuL GiRL I SaW EaRLiEr~

MaN,ShE's So PrEttY,ThAt I JuSt WaNNa- (gonna stop his dirty thought train in three,two,one)

I WaS InTeRRuPtEd WhEn I HeArD NiGhTmArE SaY:"come on glitchy! follow me!",He SaiD.I FoLLoWeD HiM,BeCaUsE NoBoDy LiKeS It WhEn SqUiDDyS MaD.

Dream!Sans pov

It didn't take me long to notice nightmare and error in the distance.They came closer and closer,until they we're right in front of me.I grabbed my staff and held it in front of me."Brother come on! Let's just talk it out!",i said calmly."N o",nightmare said,bothhim and friend immediately starting to attack me.I dodged and sighed,then started fighting back.

Your pov

I hid behind a tree.Seriously Guys? I just sighed and picked up a bunny,then played with it.

Classic!Ink!Sans pov

Once I made it to the dreamscape,I walked down the hallway,looking for dream,nightmare,and error,until I found the screen displaying them.I went in and ran over to the three of them.

Dream!Sans pov

I groaned from pain and got up.I noticed ink,and told him in sign language to hide.He nodded and hid somewhere.Luckily,Error and nightmare didn't notice what I did.

Classic!Ink!Sans pov

I hid behind a tree,though I didn't realize someone was already there when I heard a human feminine voice say:"h-hello".I turned to look at her and I gotta say,she's adorable,and looks like she's the shy one.She has h/l h/c hair,e/c eyes,s/t skin,and is short/tall.

I somehow felt something something that I've never felt before.I want this girl all to myself.

I don't care what they say.....she's mine!

Error!Sans pov

I TeLePoRtEd SoMeWhErE AnD SaW InK AnD Y/n,ThEy We'Re TaLkiNg.I GrOwLeD.Is ThAt RaiNBoW BiTcH TrYiNg To StEaL My GiRL?! WeLL I WaSn'T GoNNa HaVe ThAt,So I WeNt OvEr To HiM."HeY Ink!",I SaiD,GrAbbiNg HiM And DrAggiNg HiM A FeW FeeT AwAy AnD StoPPeD To MaKe SuRe Y/n CoULdN't HeAr Us.OnCe ShE CoULdN't,I LeT InK Go."What is it error?",InK AsKed Me.I SaiD SoMeThiNg AbOuT Y/n,ThEn NeXt ThiNg I KnOw,We BoTh StArT FiGhTiNg,AbOuT Y/n AnD EvErYtHiNg ELsE.

Your pov

Help me.I'm stuck around a bunch of grown ass skeletal men who are fighting like 3 year old boys.And now I'm starting to come up with a new theory:Do one of them like me?

A/n:there you go children.comment if you want smut in this book.

Yandere!Error!Sans x Female!Reader x Yandere!Ink!SansWhere stories live. Discover now