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I walked in , hoping all the magic to work. I walked into noor house. Knocking the door. A young beautiful lady open the door. We exchange greeting.

"Op!! Are you not the footballer wife?" She asked

"Yes." I said

"Come in. You are welcome." She lead me inside

"Noor, come and see who just came to meet you." She said reducing the volume of the sound coming from the television. Obviously they are rich too.

"And what brings her here." She step back folding both her hands

I make a light smiled and walked toward her.
" I am here to meet you, don't take things wrong."

"Did he send you here to show me that he is married or what, I knew it, he only loves you, that's why he get married to you despite of knowing I left him. He never think of trying to get me back. Now you can kindly go out." She said pointing at the door.

" noor,....he ... really love you. A lot. More than your imagination. He never try to look at other lady. He love you. It just a name I am married to him. He didn't willingly married me with his own choice. And he will never do that. You are his first love and he want you back, look why I am here. Why will I be here? I wouldn't come here for just a merely word. I am here to tell you how this famous footballer, deeply in love with you." I said making her to sat down

"He didn't love me. I am serious. Can't you see it in his eyes? You can easily observed how the look , how he stared at you, he never do that to me." She said rolled her eyes

"No, he never do that, it was just a pretend, and you know he is good in pretending." I said

"He is married to you now, so I can't come back to his life." She said

"You can, I told you he never love me, I am just to stupid for loving what will never be mine. And I already accepted that. So you too should accept he love you."

"I can't stay in one roof with you." She said staring at me

"Then what do you want me to do?" I asked

" divorce him." She said in a command voice

"Divorce?" I said in my voice dripping with sarcasm

"Yes, can't you do that? Haven't you just told me, you already accepted." She asked

"OK." I said a low voice

"And I hope to see that nothing comes between you. And make sure you didn't Cross your limit, because he is mine." She said

She walked out triumphantly

I adjusted my eyeglasses, and walked toward the door.

The young beautiful lady smiled at me "thank you for coming, you are really such a nice person. May Allah give you someone will love you alot." She hug me

"Thank you." I said trying not to let the tears fall


I walked in. I bumped into him and stumble backward.

"Welcome." He whisper

"Thanks, when did you came back from work?" I asked walking in ,ignoring our eyes meet

I walked toward the kitchen

"Have you eat?"

"No." He said walking toward me

"Why, I am not hungry and usually you know we eat together, so I don't like eating alone." He said

"OK.".  I said "I went to meet noor." I added

" really ." he said coming closer to me, held my hand and made me to sat down

I stare at him. "She said she can't come back." I said trying to see his reaction

"What, why will she do that. Is she still angry? Why? Why? He shouted looking angrily

" she accepted the proposal but still angry, but I know she will ." I said averting my eyes

"Really." he said hugging me

"I am so happy, thank you a lot, you are such a genius person." He said hugging me tight

"OK, I am hungry." I said moving back

I stood up. He walked toward me.

"We are going to Paris, honeymoon tomorrow so get ready." He whisper

"Honeymoon?" I rolled my eyes

"Yes." He said

" no, I can't go....." He is just pretending. He should just go alone. What honey moon? Huhh!!!!

He wrapped his hand around my waist, turning me around to face him. "I need you to be with me." He whisper

So guys how was the chapter hope you like it

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