Chapter 6

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Zonnique P.O.V

after shopping it was about 6:39 so I had a few time to get ready until the club tonight. we went out the car and our security that I didn't mention before opened the door for us. I placed the bags on the couch and went up to my room to take a shower. after the shower I dried my self and put on my outfit (Outfit in the media!) I brushed my hair into a curly bun and spread some perfume and went downstairs. Bahja was already dressed

"Umm excuse me ma'am do you know where Zonnique Pullins is?" she joked

"Aha! shut up! you ready Bookie?"



Later, Mj came to pick us up and we arrived at this club called ATL Magics it was booming loud music. I grabbed my purse and we went inside but it's funny how all the people were dancing and throwing money to the strippers on the poles and twerking. Bahja and Ant went on the dance floor and Mj went by the strippers to get a lap dance. I guess its just me. I walk to the bartender and sat on the islands

"Excuse me beautiful is this seat taken?" I turn around a looked at a tall light skin about 5'10 he had short wavy hair with deep dimples and perfect white teeth. he was finnneeee!!!!!

"No," I said. he sat next to me on the empty seat

"Well, Miss beautiful I'm August Alsina." He said reaching out his hands for me to shake it. I grabbed his hand

"Zonnique Pullins." I shook his hand and we pulled away. GOD, he was omg I never have seen a sexy man like this before. well, he ant all that doe cause I know they only want one thing

"so what you came to a strip club like this for?" he asks

"my friends wanted me to come." I said he smiled

"well I have a feeling that you don't want to be here. or should I say its not your place." he said. how could he know!

"No, I don't. I'm not those time of girls." I shrugged

"well, I'll tell you what. I could teach you how to be like us in clubs, or you could go back home to your place," he said. To be honest I really didn't want to be here and he's right it isn't my place. I bet y'all like she a dumb ass for trusting a stranger but he seems different. I think!

"what you mean show me? you own this place?" I said. his smiles give me chills throw my body! LORDDD

"I could." he winked

"cocky much," I mumbled

"Not just yet ma," he said coming closer to me. oooo he smells good!

"I'm not your MA okay. the names Zonnique!" I said being serious. but lord knows I'm playing hard to get

"well Zonnique would you like to dance?" he asks

"Nope sorry I can't dance," I said. he laughed

"Come on! I want to see how it feels to dance with a Baddie," he said I was dying

"Fine! come on." I said. he grabbed my hand and we hit the dance floor. the music was blasting to 'Pop that doesn't stop'. I think I brought the old me back because I couldn't stop grinding on him while he was holding my waist up and down money was thrown everywhere I was having a great time with him. but I know for sure I'm not drinking tonight to regret something later

BOOOYAAH! y'all have been waiting for August and Zonnique to meet so here you GOO!!

I know its a short chapter but Tomorrow I'll make it longer

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