Chapter 10

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after school, we decided to chill at my house. August was doing his business handling something but I didn't care. I think he was taking things a little to fast so I had to have a talk with him before we do anything. I was a Nice sweet and quiet girl but I guess friends and people really do change you quick. August doesn't know that I know he does drugs and he's the biggest drug lord in Atlanta, and I'm not scared of him this thing we got going on is done I'm sorry I don't want no parts in that lifestyle

"What you thinking about boo?" Chelsey said sitting next to me snapping me out of my thoughts

"Nothing Boo, where's the Boy's?"

"with Mj in the back pool." she said taking a drink from her wine "you have a beautiful home Nique."

"what can I say. I am a singer, I was thinking about making a new song called my love for you."

"Oh, that's good! I could do a little rap you know!" she said dancing, I laughed. she was a mixed girl with a little hood in her

"I guess." the boys came in and sat down on the other couch

"Are you dating?" she asked me

"No- gco

"not yet." Ant jumped in

"by who?" I said rolling my eyes

"My brother," he said with an attitude wtf is his problem? you know what wtf is everybody's problem?

"look, me and August ain't got SHIT going on! so if you want to judge me on even if I was gonna date your brother then don't bother disrespecting me in my house." I said back

"Whatever Zonnique," he said getting up and walked out of the house. I felt my hot tears rolling down my tears. Chelsey came and hugged me. I swear that was the best hug I ever had in someone other than my mom, I haven't seen my family for 8 months and the only time we talk is on special holidays, my family all moved to Cali and I stayed back here to finish school. maybe I should take a break and see them next week

"I'm sorry Nique, don't listen to him okay? he's just a little upset that you know, you, his brother. maybe he's not used to hanging with you and staying with him," she whispered I nod my head

"Yeah Nique I'm sorry, we gon come back later," Mj said giving me a kiss on the cheek. they got up and left. I went over to my phone and called August


"Hey, August!" I said sniffing

"hey? Zo what's wrong?"

"can you come over? we need to talk."

"Alright, I'm coming."

I hanged up the phone going upstairs I took a shower and put on some sweats and a black T-shirt. I heard the door knocking when I knew it was August, I walked downstairs opening the door

"hey." I said letting him in. he sat on the couch GAWWD his lips were juicy

"hey, you ready to tell me wassup?" he said. I sat down next to him getting comfortable

"Why didn't you tell me August?" I said getting heated "You should've at least told me before I got closer to yo ass!"

"wait for Nique chill what you talking about?" he said getting closer. he tried to grab my hand but I pushed them away

"you're a fucking drug dealer and I actually got closer to yo ass! you think I wasn't gonna find out about yo bum ass!" I yelled

"listen! I'm not doing that shit for fun okay Nique you like a best friend to me that I never had! I never told you because I wanted time to be righ- gco

"TIME TO BE RIGHT??? RIGHT WITH WHAT?!?!?!? this shit?" I pointed at me then back at him. "it gotta stop and it has to stops NOW! get out August!"

"Nique Nique calm down! I wasn't the one who fucked up your day! and why can't we huh? why!" he yelled. I wanted to cry but I held it back

"Leave my fucking house! fuck you! fuck ant fuck everybody! all y'all do is make me feel bad y'all alwa- gco

"ALWAYS WHAT ZONNIQUE?!?! ALWAYS WHAT HUH? IM NOT EVERY FUCKING BODY OK? I fucking care about you cause if I didn't I wouldn't be stopping to what the fuck I had to do and drive out here! yo ass so stubborn always thinking about yourself and what people say about you! well maybe I was sorry for fucking loving you!" he yelled leaving and slamming the door. I cried harder and harder. he was right all I do is blow off when people say things about me but maybe it hurts to think about what they said. I have no one. nobody to help me get through this crying pain I need August in my arms and I am sorry for what I was thinking. I'm probably never gonna see him again :(

Awweee Poor Nique!

What Y'all Thinks Gonna Happen?

Is August Really Feeling Her?

Should She Apologize, Was She Wrong?


ThanKYouuu :*

Strong Bond (August Alsina & Zonnique Pullines Thug Story)Where stories live. Discover now