Chapter 29 Date Time

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A Week Later

Zonnique P.O.V

So it has been a week since Bahja been in the hospital and of course, I'm worried and scared on who to trust now.. everybody is just crazy and I can't think! before we even went out to that club everything been changing! so this is how it really feels being in a Hood girl life.. August And I still aren't talking but I'm cool with that. Gina wanted everybody to gather up to their little 'We Are Getting Married' get to get her. and of course, I'm down for my girl

"if Gina and KT get married then that way you and August can meet up" Bre said coming in the living room

"Yeaaaah...and No. if I haven't received any calls or text from that means he clearly moved o- GCO my phone started vibrating and Bre smiled. I rolled my eyes looking down at my phone

BabyAugie: Umm.. Hey, I Know Its Been A While And. You've Probably Moved On So I Was Just Wondering If You Would Like To Go On A Date..?

ShesStillRose: Yes I Would Love 2.

BabyAugie: Ight . I'll Pick You Up At 3

I plumped my phone on the couch and signed. Bre laughed

"there is a God!" she said "August still loves you nique. that nigga just need pussy!"

"yeah.. I know" I said

Anthony  P.O.V

Maan I still can't believe Bahja in the hospital and it's my fault.... I love Chelsey but I was fucking Bahja at that time. I didn't want to be around Chelsey so I just let her be. being kidnap by that punk nigga Tyson was horrible! that Nigga punch like a lil bitch!! August got mad and told me that I'm going back to the N.O because Mom found out and she flipped... today I'm visiting Chelsey then Bahja before I leave

"Yo!" August yelled from upstairs I looked up at him

"what!" I said irritated

"what you doing today?" he asked me

"shit....but see Chelsey." I said shrugging

"oh.." he said sitting on the couch next to me "do you think I should give her a chance?"

"ahh duhh! nigga I never slept with yo girl! she fine as hell but you know ino like sharing pussy!" I said truthful

"bruhh. that shit sounded just like her yo! it's not even one but it didn't!" he said I shook my head

"nigga...anybody could sound alike!! yo ass was just too stupid to realize the girl that really loves you wouldn't do some dumb shit Like that! and the fact that you left out on her having her cry every night ..... is bullshit! I would've never let Y'all meet if she would do something like it. so why over blow!" I told him he nods

"you right Ant..  should I text her?" he asked -_-

"nawww reaallyy!" I said he laughed and pulled out his phone texting her

Date Time!!!! 2:45 pm They Going On A Picnic Date Not A Casual One

August P.O.V

Now that I feel like she's happier that I text her. I took a shower after getting out I brushed my teeth and walked out the bathroom I went to my walk-in closet and put on my Champion Popular Sweats Black, RedAirAir Jordan 4 Retro Toro Bravo, and my Homme Gizmo T-Shirt V-Neck. I put on my Gold Watch and Gold chain. after putting on my clothes I looked at my fine self in the mirror. I grabbed my phone and head downstairs

Zonnique P.O.V

I took a short shower using my rich shampoo (Made it up Y'all know she famous -_-) that I bought for $50. after getting out the shower I went to the closet and picked out A Aztec Print Cap Sleeve Orange Crop Top, High Waist Acid Wash Jeans, K. Jacques Gina Sandal, and my Coach bag. after putting on my outfit I spread on some Nicki Minaj perfume and Kim Kardashian. I fixed my hair in a cute high bun. Bre came and told me August was downstairs I have never been nervous in my life! I took a deep breath and head out. AUGUST WAS FINNNNEEEEEE♥♥♥♥♥✋✋✋✋✋✋

"Hey. you look beautiful." he said smiling I gave him a warm smile

"thank look handsome like always." I said blushing

"can you to love birds get out! I have a guest coming!" Bre said opening the door I laughed heading out August followed me and we went to the car he opened the door and went on his side.

♥♥♥PARK!!! ♥♥♥♥

August brought us to this beautiful place. we hopped out the car and he grabbed my hand giving me chills through my body he took us to this picnic area near the sunset it was near the pond so  I sat down on the chair as he sat next to me

"this is beautiful." I said glancing around

"just like you." he said smiling making me blush

"listen nique. all I I want to know is the truth.. that girl really did sound like you I didn't want it to believe it because I was so hurt I ju-

"August.. why would I do that? you know I love you! we didn't even say it yet and you already wanted to leave me? I wanna take us seriously at first I didn't feel anything but now that I cried all day and night for you! all you did was put this hurt towards me... for a week August! do you know how that feels!!!! it HURTS OKAY! IT FUCKING HURT ME!! WHEN I WAS CRYING ON THAT FLOOR YOU LOOKED AT ME AND WENT AWAY; YOU NEVER LOOKED BACK! and you wanna know what else hurts me! my fucking best friend in the hospital and had a miscarriage and I didn't even know she was going through anything!"  I yelled crying he came and held me kissing my tears

"I'm sorry Baby. I knew I shouldn't have left you like that. I just thought wrong actually I wasn't thinking and I need you I my life please forgive me. you're the first girl I ever ran back to! I'm sorry baby girl!" he told me I smiled looking up at him

"I forgive you baee. can I ask you a question?" I said


"did you ever fuck Judi when you were with me?" I asked


OH SHIT! What Y'all Think He Gonna Say??

Would He Tell Her The Truth


Will He Deny It


Strong Bond (August Alsina & Zonnique Pullines Thug Story)Where stories live. Discover now