Soon enough it comes out.

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. No don't do that not that look, please I am begging you. I know that puppy look of yours. Andy looked at me pleading me to take a selfie with him. I sighed.

"Fine, have it your way." I just smiled and he took the picture.

"Are you happy now? "

He smiled. "Yes... Now kiss me." He demanded in a good way. I was shocked that I didn't know what to do. It was like my life had flashed in front of my eyes.

" Hey Ashley, you okay?" he looked at me frowning.

" Yeah I am fine." I smiled at him then I said,

" Kiss me Andy Beirsack." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. Gosh,why did he have to be this hot? I want him, I needed him and I am going to have him no matter what happens. Even if the band doesn't approve. He would become mine and that was that.

Okay well sorry if I leave you hanging but for now I am going to stop writing. But don't worry I will get to this later on. So I really hope you enjoy this much. Well please comment and vote and tell me how this is.

Okay sorry to keep you all alone, well here is the other parts....

Sunday should be a 'ruin everybody's day' kind of day. ( yeah makes no sense blah, blah, blah. I know.)

He walks into the room and my cheeks instantly flush, he notices and smile.

" You know you should blush more often, I think it is kind of adorable for you." Andy suggested. My eyes went to the floor and I could not look at him then. By now I am sure that my cheeks are a deep scarlet. Damn, he always does this to me, it is a pain in the ass.

" Ashley are you still blushing?" Andy smiled.

" No." I looked away from him and tried to hide it. But there was no luck, he saw it and smiled even more. I hated that he could make me blush.

" Andy please stop smirking at me like that."

" Why?" He frowned at me and I looked at him again.

" Cause every time you do my face turns red and it is embarrassing." I told this to Andy and he just smiled brightly again.

"You little bastard. " I smiled playfully at him.

" You are going to pay for that comment of yours Mr. Purdy." Andy said. Then he smiled.

" Oh really, try me."

Sorry for stopping at this and leaving you hanging. Just wait for the next part you all are you g to hate me. Please don't though cause then I won't write anymore so :P. Here is the next part.

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