Chapter 4

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Claire's POV:

I looked at it and I immediately shook my head. "No, no, no, no, no. I don't agree to this, I want to make some changes."

I looked at my folder and it said: Name: Claire Antoinette Jones, Way to make it obvious mother! But it's not a bad name tho, It's growing on me. Blah blah age and blah blah get this, Background: A COWGIRL?! ARE OU SERIOUS? IM ENGLISH.

"A cowgirl mother?!"

"Oh yes, Darling. So that your identity will be truly hidden." She said while winking at me.

"As if tho the name is totally not enough to give my identity out of the way! Antoinette, really? Your middle name?!"

"That is no way to speak to your mother like that, Elizabeth!"

Right, I got to get hold of myself. "I'm sorry, mother. It's just that a cowgirl?! I'm so English that when I speak they'll say 'you want some bloody crumpets and tea? Ey? Cheep cheep CHEERIO!' Mom, we need to think this out carefully."

"Fine, My mind must be hysterical. I just want it all sorted. Keep the name, I love it."

I smiled. "Me too, Mum. Okay okay, I'll keep the name."

"Can't I just be an ordinary girl from UK who's a new student? With normal life? With parents that are still in UK but has decided to transfer me to US for a better education?"

"I mean, it's not really a private school, Hun." My mother said.

"I'm going to a public school? Even better! I can truly experience the 'American dream' wink wink wink." I said while winking.

"My Pardon, Your Majesty but I truly agree with what the Princess said. It's the most 'believable' background." Derick stood in and bravely said.

"Very well, Derick. I trust you to make the arrangements. As soon as it's sorted, this folder has to get accepted by the parents."

"As you wish, Your Majesty. You can count on me." Derick said as he bowed.

"Right, I shall go see you soon, my Darling." My mum said as she lifted a finger on my chin.

"See you, mother."

"Right, now now I shall get this sorted then!"

"You mean we, Derick?" Elliot cutted in.

"You're not getting all the fun, Derick." Christine also cutted in with her arms in fold.

Derick chuckled. "Ofcourse."

"You find this fun?" I asked literally just blurted out from my mouth, how rude of me.

"I apologise, that was rude of me." I said as I lowered my head.

Elliot chuckled. "It's fine, Your Highness. But yes, it is fun. Well, for the three of us anyways."

"We're lucky to even call this a job, Your Highness. It's like we're writing a story for our client." Christine said.

The more I think about it, she's right. I mean this whole thing is pretty fun. Well, I'm happy that they get to do what they love.

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