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The day was August 2nd ,it was the day the police  discharged Craig Hampton from Brooklyn's Police Department. He was self possessed unlike the previous night when he was a hot tempered mess.

" Hey, Rider it's me can you come pick me up from highway 7 please." Craig hated to ask Rider for a ride, but he hardly had family or friends in this part of the world. He was from Grenada, a place that less than 1% of the world had heard about.

" Craig, what are you doing there?" Even after their confrontation, Rider was back to normal. He was the humbler of the two. I guess that's expected when Craig had the brains and unlimited girls.

" I'll explain later.'

At about eight a.m Rider ,along with his body guard,Harper arrived on Highway7.

" Hop in." Rider had told his brother who was aimlessly standing in the middle of a dangerous highway.

"So why are you here this early in the morning?' Harper asked.

" This crazy psychopath broke into my house last night and decorated it with roses and chocolate and all that mush." It was evident by the look on Craig's face he was annoyed," I was drunk and started breaking stuff and an officer came to my apartment and arrested me for assaulting him and disturbing my neighbors."

Harper, who had vandalized his apartment said," I wonder who would do such a thing? They must really like you." She smiled as if her statement was funny.

After Harper's statement they rode in silence. Craig looked at the cats and trees and birds he passed by with ample jealousy; they had family and he didn't. Harper and her boyfriend stole a kiss every five seconds and said cheesy quotes to each other as Craig looked on with disapproval. He was so caught up with his jealousy, that he didn't notice when Rider stopped the vehicle. They said their goodbyes before Craig returned to his normal life.

It would have been much better if he wasn't drunk last night. As he opened the door he faced his destruction, or his apartment as some would say. The living room's decor was broken glass on the centerpiece, wine spots on the white suede couch, a clock that didn't tell time and a godforsaken teddy-bear. He got straight to business he called his maid to help him out and paid her double time.

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