Chapter 15: You Snuck Your Way Into My Heart

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Hey guys! Sorry for taking forever, and thanks for waiting! But I was on a months long vacation and right after we came back school started, so saying I was busy is an understatement.

But without furtherado, chapter 15!


The next morning I was in a really crummy mood.

Knowing that you were a big cause in the heart-break of a sweet and innocent guy didn't really leave much room for happiness.

At that moment the song 'Only trying to Help' fit me pretty well....

'Well, it's all about the boys
Playing with their macho toys
And they're making so much noise
I didn't really want to shout.

My presence felt like an intrusion,
Causing way too much confusion.
Now I've been sent into seclusion,
I've been banished and cast out.

I'm not tryin' to place the blame,
But I feel it just the same.
That we could be, yes, we should be
In the game.

My spirit's feelin' daunted,
I'm not sure I'm all that wanted
Though I'm acting nonchalant it's clear
I'm starting to doubt myself

Don't want to sound too stoic.
I'm not feeling that heroic.
No matter what I do I blow it
And I'm only trying to help.
Only trying to help.
Only trying to help.......'

Stacey tried comforting me.
"It'll be alright." she said. "He'll come around."

But was interrupted by the appearance of Vanessa.

I didn't think she would have come today, because of her break up and all, so it was safe to say that I was surprised. And worried.

"Hey guys-"

"Is everything ok?" I cut her off.

She didn't seem too gloomy.

"Yeah, of course I am!"

"You're not hung up about your - uh breakup?" Stacey questioned cautiously.

"Nah, I figured it was probably for the best anyway."

I sighed in relief, I thought something bad had happened. Also, now Ferb might feel better because Vanessa isn't sad anymore.

Instantly all my grief tumbled back, replacing the worry I had felt, as I remembered how Ferb was hurt because of me.

"Hey, where's Ferb?" Vanessa asked, breaking me out of my self pity.

"In the backyard. Why?" Stacey questioned curiously.

"I wanted to thank him." She smiled. "Yesterday he helped me realize that I was probably better off without Monty."

Stacey and I nodded.

"Come on then, let's go." Vanessa said, while heading towards the yard, Stacey and I not too far behind.


The next couple of days passed rather uneventfully.

Ferb realized that Vanessa didn't care about Monty, the day she thanked him, and visibly relaxed.

This eased my troubled mind off of the fact that I had not messed up that much, and that there was still a chance.

Vanessa continued her visits everyday, but seemed to be nervous and jittery, which was weird since it was completely out of character.

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