Down The Train Tracks. ~Ch.18 ["I will never forget what you did."]

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**Not edited**

I laughed at Kyler as I exhaled the smoke, watching Kyler biting the air where he had just blew his smoke out.

“Dude, this is freakin’ awesome.”

I laughed and fell onto my back, Kyler and I were on the floor of my bedroom, each on our fifth joint.

“Don’t talk like that,” I said, laughing at nothing in particular.

“Why not?” He asked, laying down next to me.

“Because,” I chuckled, “you sound like one of the cunts from my school,” I told him, again, laughing at nothing in particular. My head was spinning and it felt like the room was rotating in the opposite direction, all the while, my stomach doing flips.

I turned my head to look at Kyler, and smirked.

“Your eyes,” I lifted up my spare hand and put my index finger on his button nose, “are red,” I giggled.

“Yours are too!” He exclaimed in an excited tone. I giggled at him again, not able to contain the girlish hormones flipping in my stomach.

Kyler raised his hand and held onto my wrist, gently pulling my hand so my finger was off his nose and going down his face, stopping when it reached his open mouth, he closed his lips down on my finger.

He laughed and snorted, letting go of my wrist to clutch onto his stomach as he kept laughing.

“You taste funny,” he laughed after spitting out my finger.

“Why did you just do that?” I asked in a fake shocked tone.

“I wanted to know what you tasted like,” he shrugged.

“Ky,” I whispered, his head turned to mine. “That’s disgusting,” I said in a serious tone.

“Well, there’s only two ways for a guy to find out what a girl tastes like, I wanted to know what you tasted like, so it was either I taste your index finger, or eat you.”

“You’re so weird,” I laughed, rolling around in laughter.

“No, my dear Melly, you are the weird one, I’m normal, but since you’re weird, you think I’m weird, when in all actuality, I’m normal and you’re weird, but because you’re weird and I’m normal you think I’m weird which actually makes you weird, if you weren’t weird you’d realize that I was normal, understand?”

I looked at him seriously in the eyes, before I burst in a fit of laughter.

“No!” I really didn’t understand, and it was funny when he rambled on like that talking complete nonsense.

Down The Train Tracks *Jason McCann*Where stories live. Discover now