30 - Suga

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Suga's POV

"Go, you idiots!" Namjoon yells.

"Boss, there's too many of them!" Jungkook responds.

We're outnumbered. It's the seven of us against the twelve membered gang.

Taehyung was about to get pushed down before I ran over to block the person.

"Tae, watch your back. Luhan was about to kick your a*s." I hiss.

I deflect a punch from Chanyeol and feel someone's back against mine.

"Hyung, Namjoon said we're all going different ways when he yells part. When he says part, try to fight off as much of the EXO gang as possible, then run. But don't go all together. He said that you, Hoseok, and Jungkook will go first. The rest of us will distract them. We'll go in bunches. Go in different directions. Every man for themselves." Jimin whispers to me.

"Alright. Thanks." I respond and block the crate being thrown by Baekhyun.

I help out Jin, who was being demolished by Tao, Sehun, and Kai. "Dude, call for back up next time. They would've eaten you alive."

He nods in response.

"PART!" Namjoon yells and the first three sneakily leave.

I was the last to leave and heard footsteps from behind. Xiumin was behind me. I throw a crate at him and turn a corner. I run into a dark alley and see him lose me.

D*mn... I catch my breath and begin my walk home.

End of Suga's POV

You walk over to the front desk and hand over your folder. "I'm done for the day."

Munji takes the folder and hands you another one. "You and Wonpil need to pick another case to do. We're having a pile up of cases to do and we need to get them looked over and solved. So pick one or two from the folder."

"Alright. We'll look at them tomorrow." You take the folder back to your office and leave it on your desk.

You exit your office and lock the door behind you.

Another day at the station done.

"Good night, nerds." You wave to everyone.

"Good night, geek!" They call out and you giggle to yourself.

You enter the car and drive home.

I wonder if Yoongi is back from work. You think and enter the driveway.

You unlock the front door and see him on the couch, icing a shoulder and eye.

"Hey, babe...what happened to you?" You ask.

"Oh, hey (Y/N). Just you know...clients at the boxing gym." He shrugs.

"They must really be passionate. But since when do you work at the boxing gym?" You question, examining his state.

"I finished my shift at the store and was bored waiting for you then...Tae called saying they needed some help so I volunteered."

You raise an eyebrow, not believing what he was saying but shrug it off.

"Alright." You peck his cheek.

"How was work at the police station, little Miss Police Officer?" He pokes your sides.

"Wonpil and I have more cases to do. The reports are stacking up." You rub your head.

Suga gulps but you didn't see. "Mmm. Crimes these days."

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