47 - Suga

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warning: mentions attempt of suicide, mental hospitalization, and bullying, read at your own risk/will.

You sat on your white bed, in your white room, in your white apparel.

You fiddled with your hands, bored out of your mind. Your sleeve slid down, revealing the scars of your past.

"A screwed-up, depressed suicidal teenager" the doctors and your own orphanage parents called you.

Currently seventeen years old, you have dealed with depression for almost seven years. It developed when you saw your parents' lives taken, an argument between them both. Your father guilty of a homicide killing of your mother, and a suicide killing of himself.

No grandparents to take you in.

Your parents were both only childs, so no aunts or uncles.

You were taken to the orphanage, waiting to be adopted.

But no one took you in.

Which was fine to you. I don't need anyone if I got my own self, you told yourself. Your depression at that time was mourning over the loss of your parents, which is understandable. But that's when it all started.


The insults and harsh nicknames thrown at you.

"It's the parentless girl!"

"Aw, the orphanage made a good choice on not feeding you enough, you needed to lose weight."

"The father was a maniac, so be careful, it could pass down to her."

"She'll steal your parents because hers were killed."

"If she cared enough about her parents, wouldn't she have gone out of her room and stopped them? She probably had something to do with it."

You couldn't help but to think if they were right. But your so called 'friend' told you to ignore them. You trusted her.

But she crossed the line.

"I heard that her orphanage parents hit her. Those bruises on her body couldn't have come from falling down the stairs."

Everyone laughed.

The next day, you had gym - meaning you had to wear shorts and short sleeved shirts. You walked out the locker room, trying to be hidden but your old friend caught you.

"Ha! What did I say?" The class erupted into fits of laughter.

"Aw, was someone a bad girl last night?"

Were you a bad girl?

Were you the cause of your parents' deaths?

No, don't listen to them. You shrug it off, continuing with the day.

You arrived home. It all got worse.

"(Y/N), be f*cking grateful we brought you in. You can't keep playing the depressed card by staying in your d*mn room. Get out and do something around the house."

"Sana, there's not much to do if you have a maid."

"Watch the way you talk to me, b*tch."


You were going to walk away but she grabbed your hair.

"Hey let go!"

"I said watch the way you f*cking talk to me."

"Okay, alright!"

"How about you stay in your room so no one sees the slutty whore you are, you crazy b*tch."

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