74 - 🍛 Bangtan Thanksgiving Special! 🍛

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"Aish! Namjoon!" Seokjin exclaimed, running a hand through his hair.

"Sorry!" Namjoon quickly apologized, bending down to pick up the pieces of the broken plate.

Seokjin shook his head with a slight smile and turned around to finish the rice. Taehyung walked into the kitchen with a bright smile, the smile getting bigger as the scents of the spices in the kitchen went through his nostrils.

"It smells good, hyung," Taehyung said and attempted to take a nibble of the kimchi stew, resulting in Seokjin slapping his hand away.

"Yah! No food until it's time for supper," Seokjin scolded as he turned off the rice cooker. "Go get the plates before Namjoon finishes breaking them."

"Hey!" Namjoon called out from the floor as he picked up the last pieces of the broken plate.

Taehyung chuckled and grabbed the plates, then went to the dining table and set a plate down at each member's spot. He sighed softly, seeing a sleeping Yoongi already at his spot with his head resting on the table. V put the plate beside his head, careful not to wake his hyung up and proceeded around the table.

"Jungkookie! Jiminie! Hobi!" Seokjin called out as he finished plating all the dishes. The three boys called for walked into the kitchen, looking at Seokjin.

"Yes, hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Help take the dishes out the table. Use rags or gloves, the plates are a bit hot," Seokjin nodded towards the big plates that held some kind of dish - from stew kimchi jiggae to japchae to tteok-bokki to galbi and other amazing dishes cooked by Seokjin.

The three boys nodded and grabbed something to help their hands not get burned then took the plates one by one to the table.

Namjoon returned to the kitchen and very slowly and carefully got the glasses for their drinks. He slowly walked towards the table and set them down, a proud smile on his face for not breaking any of them. Yoongi lifted his head up once the aroma of the food had gone through his nose and rubbed his eyes.

Jungkook left to get the silverware, Hoseok following to get the bottles of wine they'd drink that night. The two boys returned and everyone sat down at the table.

"Thank you, Seokjin, for making this amazing meal for us. You always make us something daily, even if it's just a small snack. Thank you for that. And for taking care of us," Namjoon smiled.

Seokjin returned the bright grin and nodded. "Anything for my boys. Dig in."

Yoongi was the first to move and get what he'd been craving for from the variety of foods. Hoseok was the last of group to get his plate fixed, as he was busy smiling at the sight of his best friends with him and eating with him - just being with him in general. He was so thankful for it.

"Hyung, this is really good," Jimin beamed with a mouthful of rice.

"I love how Seokjin-hyung put all of our favorite meals in the dinner instead of just traditional meals," Namjoon told his band as he tried to grip his wooden chopsticks.

"Ah, Namjoon," Seokjin got up from his seat and disappeared into the kitchen, coming back out with metal chopsticks. He gave them to Namjoon, whose cheeks slightly flared up a little pink. "Thanks," he muttered lowly.

Seokjin gave a nod as he took a bite of food, using proper etiquette skills unlike his dongsaengs, who were scarfing down any bit of food they could.

"Well you've done it again, hyung," Hoseok complimented. "Every year on this day, you always know how to out do yourself every year."

"Gomapda, dongsaeng. I made this with love and care for my boys," Seokjin responded with a bright smile. "I'm very thankful for you all. This life of an idol isn't always the easiest one but you boys, along with ARMY, have made it worth the while."

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