Chapter 3

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The pizza finally arrives after watching a full episode of "Who's line is it anyway". A man rings the doorbell once and Levi, Katrina's dad answers the door.

"Here's your pizza sir, that with be $12.59."

Mr Teller takes out his wallet and pays the man $15.

"Keep the change." He says.

The man says thank you and takes off in his pizza truck.

Levi takes the two boxes of pizza and sets them on the dining table. Casey sets paper plates on the counter and they each grab two slices of pepperoni pizza. Katrina and Anna sit at the table and Levi and Casey sit on the couch.

Pizza from Marco de Luigi's is amazing. It has the right amount of every ingredient and the tomato sauce is not overpowering. It is the best pizza in town! The pizza joint is on holland blvd.

Every time the girls spend the night together, they order this pizza.

Once they finish eating, Anna goes to the front room to get her bag. They go back down into the basement.

They grab pillows and blankets from the hall closet.

Anna and Katrina pile the pillows and blankets onto the the sectional couch. Once they are satisfied with the setup, they lay down on the makeshift beds.

They watch tv for a good two hours and then they decide to play "Headbands". Katrina grabs the box from the shelf next to the tv.

Anna helps Katrina set up the game. Anna grabs a headband for her and her friend. They adjust the size of the headbands and the place them on their heads. Each girl takes a card from the deck and places it in the slot of their headband without looking at it.

Katrina pulls a dog and Anna pulls a hammer.

"You go first!" Anna says.

"No you go! You're the guest." She says.

"Alright." Anna says giving in. She examines the question card. After viewing all the options, she asks "am I alive?"

"No. Okay my turn. Am I an animal?"


"Okay, do I have feathers?"

"No. Am I clothes?" Anna asks.

"No. Do I have four legs?"


"Am I a mammal?"


"Am I a dog?"

"Yeah. Okay give me a hint." Anna says.

"Okay," she says taking her card off her head. "You are a tool."

"Mkay." Anna says with satisfaction. "Am I a screw?"


"Am I a ladder?"

"No. In what world is a ladder a tool?"

Ignoring her, Anna says, "Am I a hammer?"


The girls pack up the game and put it away. Anna pulls out her phone and checks the time. It reads 9:24.

They turn on the tv and watch tv for a good 3 hours until they finally go to bed at twelve-thirty.


Anna wakes up to Katrina still sleeping on the other side of the sectional couch. She rubs her eyes trying to get the sleep out of them. She grabs her phone from her bag and checks the time. It's 6:32. She decides to read in bed. Her fingers feel odd on the glass screen of her iPhone. In her library she has many books but she decides to read "Trees a' Grove." She had already read it dozens of times but she likes it so much she could read it again.

After about an hour of reading Katrina wakes up.

She groans and stretches in her bed.

"What-" She yawns. "What time is it?"

"It's just past seven-thirty." Anna says.

"Alright, let's go upstairs and eat breakfast."

Katrina and Anna go up the stairs

Casey was already up making pancakes on the stove. There was a plate next to it filled with finished pancakes.

Anna and Katrina take plates from the cupboard.

The girls grab two pancakes each and take them to the table.

Anna grabs for the syrup and Katrina goes to the fridge to get berries. Katrina likes to eat berries on her pancakes. Casey comes to sit with them once she had just poured new batter on the grill.

"How did you girls sleep last night?"asked Casey.

"Good," said Anna. "By the way, I have art club today at nine."

"Okay, so you have like an hour and a half I suppose."


"What do you do in art club anyway?"

"You know, we draw butts and paint on each other." Anna says rolling her eyes.

"Haha very funny." Katrina said. "But seriously"

"Well we are given an inspiration and then we draw. Sometimes there's instruction on how to shade and stuff but it's mostly just enlightening."

"That sounds fun!" Katrina says.

Once they finish their third helpings, they are finished eating and they go downstairs.

Anna helps Katrina put away the makeshift beds and packs up her things. Anna texts her mom to come pick her up.

The doorbell rings and Casey answers it. Lauren stands there in her work slacks.

Casey greets Lauren with a warm hug and a smile.

"Hello darling, how are you?" Lauren says in her sophisticated voice.

"I'm doing wonderful thank you."

Anna walks upstairs bag in hand and greets her mother.

"Hello mother." She says. She always feels she has to address her as "mother" because of her superiority to her.

"Hello Anna."

"Why don't we go?" She says.

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