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Jimin's with Jeongguk eating lunch. The younger had called him in a frenzy, asking him on a whim to join him at Jun's Busan Experience. Jimin had agreed, as Seulgi's the one to convince him to leave her alone. He's a little hesistant to leave Seulgi even up to now. Apparently, she isn't allowed to leave for the world tour with her group. Jimin keeps on trying to ask her what's up, but Seulgi really doesn't want his company.

"So," Jimin says as he grills meat for the two of them. Jeongguk sucks at grilling. "Mind to explain what's up?"

"It's Taehyung," Jeongguk admits easily, and Jimin swears he can see the distraught expression on his features clearly. "He's posting nonsense on instagram. Doesn't he understand I'm taken?"

"By the looks of it, probably not," The older shrugs, earning a death glare from the younger. Jimin sighs, raising his free hand up in surrender. "He loves you, and Taehyung's changed alot since when you guys broke up."

"Gee, I didn't notice," Jeongguk rolls his eyes. "I really wish Yeri didn't leave. At least I would have a distraction."

"God no, girls get really mad when they aren't able to go on tour. Look at Seulgi, she looks really upset," Jimin points out as he puts the cooked meat on both of their plates. Jeongguk mutters a thanks as he picks at it with his chopsticks.

"The thing is, hyung, Taehyung and I are of the past," The younger says as he brings a piece of meat to his lips. "I'm really happy with Yeri, and she's happy with me."

"Are you sure?" Jimin raises a questioning eyebrow whilst he chews.

"Yeah, I think," Jeongguk says in between eating the yummy barbecue goodness. "She's gone a lot, but I don't blame her. She tours a bunch for her fans."

"Jeongguk, if Taehyung tries to get back into your life, will you try to let him back in?" The blonde points at Jeongguk with his chopsticks in hand.

"If it'll be totally platonic," Jeongguk answers honestly.

Jimin nods, his chopsticks bringing more food up to his mouth as he takes in the information. He knows he has to tell Taehyung about this later, and god knows how he'll react. Also, Jimin realizes the guilt settling into his half-full stomach as he listens to Jeongguk go on about how much he loves Yeri. The other doesn't have a clue that Yeri isn't as into it as he is, but Jimin can't be the one to ruin the relationship. For now, he's focused solely on getting his friends back together and fixing things up with Yoongi.

"Hyung, if Taehyung tries anything if we ever meet, it'll mess up everything," Jimin snaps out of thoughts as he eyes the younger confusedly. Jeongguk presses his lips tightly together before he says, "I'll be lying if I said I miss him, and you know how my feelings can go off track."

"Yeah, I know," The older nods solemnly, but secretly, he's planning what he'll tell Taehyung the moment he gets home.

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