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yoongi i love your album
and when i listened...
i'm so fucking sorry
i am so sorry i made you suffer

its 1:00 am??
are you okay? where's seulgi?

just stop yoongi
stop bringing up her name
i hurt you and we need to stop this
i can't hurt you anymore
it fucking hurts to have this guilt on me

jimin why now
why when you're on a trip
to hawaii with your girlfriend,
the mother of your baby?
your son?

i lied about it being a boy
i dont know what they are
it's too early
i said that because i wanted to
make you happy because you told me
you always wanted a baby boy

jimin you're confusing me

im sorry but yoongi
your happiness makes me happy
i don't love you romantically like before
but this has hurt me too and i finally
now realize this is unfair
you can ask me anything yoongi
ill explain
i think i have everything thought out

then why did you do what you did
why did you tell me you weren't gay?

i didn't know how else to tell you
that i felt things for girls too
so my young mind didn't think right
and i said that
yoongi im not making up any excuses
this is my explanation for what i did wrong
what i did...to hurt you
i realized i'm bisexual in the time we were apart, and i regret every single day what
i said to you about being not gay

jimin you could have told me
i would have understood

i know
i'm so sorry yoongi

at least i know now
and lately, i've been getting better
i want you to know that, um
hoseok asked me out

oh? he did?

yeah, and i told him i'll think about it
what do you think i should do...?

take it. he'll make you so much happier
than i did yoongi
you deserve so much better than what i did
hoseok will make you happy
I guarantee it

i miss you every day

me too

i forgive you jimin
don't beat yourself up over it
we both moved on and not moving on
will only ruin our future experiences
you're still one of my best friends jimin

i'm crying right now
yoongi i feel so horrible for hurting you

don't that was all in the past
all i'm looking forward to is a happier
future for the both of us with our new
families, relationships
and i'm looking forward to be a godfather ;)

yes for sure
you'll be my baby's godfather
hey yoongi, when we get back
wanna go on a double date?

of course jimin
i miss hanging out like that

me too
i'm really happy we're good now

go on now jimin haha
i'm gonna start crying too


(gotta focus on that vkook now that yoonmin's solved! isn't this a sweet surprise for 4k? i can't believe i got to 4k and i can't imagine how happy i am to have you guys as wonderful supporters 💕 tysm for supporting my story, i couldn't have gotten here without you all
— mela)

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