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Jeongguk opens up his phone to see the picture of his girlfriend of four years on it. Yeri is smiling wide with her arms wrapped around him, and Jeongguk is too, but the boy can't help but open up a picture of him and Taehyung from back then.

The atmosphere is different in this picture. Taehyung had taken it in their third year, the two of them having spent their weekend at the sea. His arms are slung over Taehyung's, and Taehyung's one hand is brushing his hip. Taehyung's obviously smiling wide, but the smile on Jeongguk's face is much more happier.

He looks genuinely better with Taehyung by his side. Despite the fact they broke up because of Taehyung's own selflessness and Jeongguk's immaturity, he has to admit they had some really good memories. He smiles a little bit into the palm of his hand as he finds himself scrolling into pictures of him and Yeri, the memory lane of his past relationship fading.

The ones with Yeri look unreal. Jeongguk's lips curl downwards as he stares hard at them. The two of them met in the second year of college during an open mic. Jeongguk didn't know Yeri  was an idol at first, so he didn't think much when the beautiful girl had approached him saying he sounds wonderful. It shocked him back then when she had told him, and Jeongguk hadn't been sure if he should pursue a relationship. He had wanted to start his own career first, but Yeri promised to support him, so he guessed that's when it all started.

Yeri and he dated because of their careers, he sadly has to admit. Jeongguk had no intention to use her popularity for himself, but Yeri's company had been nice to him and let them collaborate for a while. They end up dating after releasing their first album, and Jeongguk's career suddenly begins to skyrocket. Big Hit had offered him a contract, and Jeongguk takes it. Yeri and he did have good times together, but Jeongguk realizes it had started to fall apart the third year of dating.

She had wanted to get married. Yeri had reasoned to him that three years is long enough to actually tie the knot. However, Jeongguk's career had been taking off. He had broken records, won prestigious awards, and released many hits. It didn't seem right to marry Yeri in such a busy year, he had told her, but that only made Yeri much more eager to marry him.

The pressure to get married made Jeongguk uneasy. The stress had been too much, but Yeri slipped it into every conversation they ever had. One time, they had an argument. Yeri had accused him of not loving her, and Jeongguk being angry said he didn't. He had shouted at her face he shouldn't have left Taehyung, and that Yeri is just a distraction. That set the break in their relationship. Jeongguk had made up with Yeri, but the crack will always be there. In an attempt to salvage, they pretend to not have have mentioned marriage at all. Though Jeongguk knows its all forced anyways.

Now as he sat in bed alone, he realizes Yeri isn't the one for him. She has cheated on him many times in their fourth year together, the people either flings or actual relationships. Jeongguk doesn't even feel bad for himself — he's used to it. Sometimes Yeri won't come home, and her excuse will always be "i'm with someone." It doesn't hurt anymore, and Jeongguk doesn't know why he's still holding on.

"Why are you calling me? It's late," Jimin says as Jeongguk hurriedly calls him. The younger shrugs, though Jimin can't see it.

"How's Taehyung?" He manages to ask; the first thing that comes to his mind. He hears Jimin shuffle in his bed, muttering a few apologizes to perhaps Seulgi. Jeongguk patiently waits as Jimin walks over to another room.

Once Jimin's settled he starts with, "Why are you asking?" Jeongguk's stunned at first, and he already knows his answer. He really cares about Taehyung still, and that Yeri and him aren't as good as they used to be. Taehyung deserves everything right now, not Yeri.

"Just cause hyung," He replies instead. It sounds nothing like his thoughts. "Taehyung and I talked. He sounds a lot better than he was."

"Jeongguk, what's the real reason?" Jimin sighs into the reciever. His voice is completely exhausted, and it's obvious he doesn't want to be on the phone. "You don't just call someone at three in the morning to ask how someone else is doing."

"God," Jeongguk whispers, running a hand through his hair, "Jimin I can't stop thinking about Tae. It makes sense cause Yeri and I are doing horrible, but I just can't leave Yeri."

"That's your fucking issue," His friend snorts. "I told you, leave the bitch. She's cheating constantly on you, and you're stuck in Seoul hovering around like a ghost, yet you don't seem to care."

"She helped my career, and I feel bad," Jeongguk tries to reason, but the dry laugh on the other end tells him its pointless.

"So? You don't need her now right? Looks like she doesn't need you either, and there's no reason to feel bad. If you don't love somone anymore, don't try to salvage anything. It's time to move on you stubborn ass," Jeongguk nods along to the older's words. Jimin's right. Yeri and him are set on a downward spiral.

"I need to go Jeongguk. I miss my Seulgi," Jimin murmurs sleepily. "Our baby's born in four more months, she's getting bigger, and it's freaking me out."

Jeongguk says goodbye to Jimin as the other hurriedly scampers back to his pregnant girlfriend. He slumps back against the headboard at his bed as stares down at his phone screen. Talking to Jimin didn't help as much as it usually does, but at least it gave him a base to start.

Before Jeongguk goes to sleep, he changes the picture of Yeri to Taehyung. He smiles a little bit because for now, that's as far of a change he can attempt.

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