Chapter 1-Wake Up

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It was dark. I didn't know where I was. It wasn't until I saw a blur of a face, when everything fell into place. My vision was sharper as colors began to flow in. Then everything was clear when I saw who it was. It was him, my one and only.

I felt myself gently smile. My arms opened wide and closed around his waist. I laid my head on his chest. He returned the embrace. I pulled away and grabbed his hand. There was warmth in them.

We were taking a stroll in the park. The air was still. Everything was silent. The birds, the trees, the nature. It felt like it was just the two of us in this world. Time went by of walking in peaceful silence. When we took a rest on the freshly cut grass, we chatted about anything and everything until night fall.

The unfortunate time for us to part ways had come. We felt it slip away as we got up to say our goodbyes. I turned to him, put my hands on his and leaned in to say...

"I love you."

I heard a reply but it did not sound like a voice coming from a male.

"I love you too honey. Now wake up sleepy head." My dream immediately faded away to black. I struggled to open my eyes to the sunlight coming from the blinds as I felt a gentle shake on my shoulders.

I snuggled closer to my pillow and blanket. "Mom," I whined. "I was in the middle of being with dream boy."

"Linda!" She shook me harder this time. It was way too much movement for early morning. "It's already 8:00, school starts in ten minutes!"

I softly groaned. "Hmm?" I attempted opening my eyes, but sleep still called out to me. "Mom, I love you and you are really awesome, but I don't have time for your pranks. I have dreaming to do."

"I'm serious hun, it's today!"

"Today?" I forced my eyes open as info started to kick into my tired brain. "Oh shii*t!" I flung the covers across the bed and jumped out.

My mom, who was on the other side of the bed, said, "Hey! No cussing in this house!"

"Hm I wonder who I get it from," I teased.

Now mom didn't go over the top with the curse words like I did. She was a classy lady. But she did do her share of F-words here and there.

I think she remembered this and forms an o with her mouth. "I didn't think you were around when I would say them."

I smiled and grabbed my phone to play some motivation music. When the screen came alive I looked at my mom in disbelief.

"It's barley 6:30!" I dropped my phone back on the bed, and allowed my half asleep self fall onto the comfy comforter face down. I turned my head to the side. "I am going back to sleep." I happily closed my eyes.

"Linda! You slept through your alarm. If you go back to sleep now, you'll definitely wake up late."

I groaned as I pushed myself up from the bed, my head bowing down, hair hovering over my face. "Fine," I sighed.

"I'll go make some breakfast." Mom got up from the bed and strides her long legs out the room.

I sat on the bed for a while as my thoughts drifted on to the dream I had. Would he ever fall for a girl like me? In your dreams Melinda.

I got up and led my sluggish legs to the circle shaped mirror placed above the drawer furniture. My plain features stared back at me. My acorn colored hair was all tangled up and there were visible dark circles under my brown eyes.

There were times where I felt like wearing a mask. I didn't like the way I looked. I started noticing more and more imperfections as I grew older. There was a time when someone said I was ugly in the 7th grade. That didn't help my already low self esteem. I am just thankful they didn't say it to my face. That would have hurt more.

Make up became my mask. It took some time to get used to it. I didn't like the way the foundation felt heavy on my skin until I found a more light weight foundation. It doesn't cover up all my blemishes, but that's where concealer comes to the rescue.

Unfortunately, makeup does not take me five minutes to do. Therefore I'd have to wake up at the break of dawn to get to school on time. I'm grateful for my mom for waking me up early. No matter how much I snooze my alarm to get a pinch more sleep, I never feel well rested.

After I finished putting on my foundation and concealer, I started to put on some blush. I then put on mascara, which got on my nose. Happens every time. I filled in my eyebrows with precision. Though it doesn't take as much of a steady hand as putting on fake lashes. After finally getting the lashes on right, I shaded my eyes with light brown eyeshadow. I grabbed a light pink lipgloss to finish it off.

I said goodbye to mom and hopped into the car to start driving to school.

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