3. Subterra vs Darkus and Hermione Loses

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Time all around the World was frozen as a whole new dimension seemed to open up around Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. "So my theory was correct," said the former "You have a Bakugan as well." Harry was shocked out of his mind. "How do you know about the Bakugan?" he asked. Hermione chuckled and said "Japan wasn't the only place where cards fell out of the sky." 'So she only knows about the original Bakugan, not like ones such as Leonidas. I have the upper hand' Harry thought.

"SO! Are we going to brawl?" asked Hermione, snapping Harry out of his musings "Gate Card set!" the area was blinded by an orange-ish flash and a large black card appeared on the battle field. "Gate Card set!" shouted Harry, and this time the field was covered in a purple flash. "So you're a Darkus brawler, that was unexpected, I thought you would be Pyrus for sure." stated Hermione. Harry gave a feral smirk "Says the Subterra brawler, give it all you got."

"BAKUGAN BRAWL!!!!" shouted both combatants as they threw small marble balls coloured in their respective attributes, onto Harry's card. "Rise Subterra Terrorclaw!" shouted Hermione, as her ball transformed into a giant brown crab-like creature with blue eyes. "Come on out, Darkus Mantris!" shouted Harry, as his own ball, transformed into a giant black, purple, and silver Praying Mantis-creature with red eyes.

[Subterra Terrorclaw: power level at 310 gs. Darkus Mantris: power level at 380 gs]

"Ability Card activate! Earth-Power Boost!" shouted the female brawler as she threw the card she held to her Bakugan. Suddenly a brown mist surrounded Terrorclaw.

[Subterra Terrorclaw: power level increased to 610 gs]

Harry pulled out a card of his own and yelled "Ability card activate! Power from Darkness!" The card flew from his hand to Mantris, increasing his power level and surrounding him in a black mist.

[Darkus Mantris: power level increased to 520 gs]

"GATE CARD OPEN! DARKUS!" shouted Harry, causing the card to flash purple. A sudden purple aura surrounded Mantris, causing the power level to increase further.

[Darkus Mantris: power level increased to 620 gs]

"How do ya like that 'Mione?" asked Harry with a smirk. Hermione grinned "I'm not done yet." She pulled out another card "Ability Card activate! Mega Impact!" The card was thrown to Terrorclaw, giving him an orange to brown aura.

[Subterra Terrorclaw: power level increased to 700 gs]

"Shit!" Harry muttered under his breath. "If she keeps this up, I'm gonna lose this round." He pulled out a card "Finish em' Mantris! Double Ability activate! Slice Cutter! plus Twin Machete!" 'I've never heard of that happening before' thought Hermione. Mantris suddenly raised his claws and sliced at Terrorclaw, causing it to screech in pain.

[Subterra Terrorclaw: power level decreased to 650 gs. Darkus Mantris: power level at 720 gs]

Terrorclaw flew back to Hermione's feet and Mantris went straight to Harry's hand. Harry bowed with a smirk and said "Ladies first." Hermione growled and threw her next Bakugan "Bakugan Brawl! Subterra Manion Stand!" Harry threw his own Bakugan "Bakugan Brawl! Darkus Reaper Stand!" Hermione's Bakugan transformed into a giant brown sphinx-like creature with golden armour and white wings, whilst Harry's transformed into an armoured purple skeletal creature with withered wings, horns and a scythe.

[Subterra Manion: power level at 350 gs. Darkus Reaper: power level at 370 gs]

Hermione pulled out a new card and yelled "Ability Card activate! Earth Power!" the Subterra aura was on it's way to Manion, before it was cut off. "What the hell happened?" asked a shocked Hermione. Harry smirked savagely, and explained "I activated an ability for Reaper called Double Dimension, which nullifies my opponent's ability card." Hermione was so shocked she couldn't move, Harry had outsmarted her. "Reaper, put Manion out of his misery." Reaper grinned "My pleasure." the demonic Bakugan swept forward brutally with his scythe and slashed Manion's chest, sending the Subterra Bakugan to its master's feet.

Reaper returned to Harry's hand, leaving one more round. At this point Hermione was so shocked, she couldn't focus. Harry pulled out his final card. Jumping up, he threw the card down and shouted "GATE CARD SET!!!!" The field was once more filled with purple light. Hermione stormed forward with her last Bakugan, muttering "Don't fail me Athena." She threw her Bakugan towards the card, and yelled "Bakugan Brawl! Show them what your made of, Athena!" Athena's form shocked Harry greatly. 'A Subterra Skyress?!' he thought in alarm and awe. "It is good to be in the field again Hermione, let's show your friend what wisdom means."

Harry snapped out of his shocked state and pulled out his Guardian Bakugan. He smirked as he threw his Bakugan, and shouted "Bakugan Brawl! Let's go Leo!" His Bakugan transformed into his full form, shocking both Hermione and Athena. "Let's show these weaklings how to brawl partner." Leo said to Harry, to which he replied "I couldn't agree more, pal!"

[Subterra Artemis: power level at 360 gs. Darkus Omega Leonidas: power level at 605 gs]

"What the bloody hell?" screamed Hermione in shock "I've never even heard of that type of Bakugan!" Athena was also shocked, as she said "Neither have I Hermione." "Hey 'Mione? Try checking the top Brawlers in the world." said Harry with a grin. Hermione did just that on her Bakupod and found that titled second top brawler was a picture of Harry without glasses in his current attire, with the name Harry Kazami. It stated that his Bakugan was Darkus Omega Leonidas, and that the two were members of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Hermione was at a loss for words, but finally managed to ask "How?" Harry explained "I found out that Shun Kazami was my cousin, and I trained with him. I met Leonidas in the park one day and we connected. The reason you have never heard of him is, because he didn't come with the others."

Athena asked Leo "How is that so?" Leo sighed "I was born from the rage and sorrow of the Bakugan trapped in the Doom Dimension, Harry helped me control my rage and thirst for battle, and we became partners. He helped me evolve, as I did for him." "Now" Harry and Leo said in perfect sync "We have a Brawl to finish." "Ability Card activate! Omega Eraser!" shouted Harry as his new card flew towards Leo.

[Darkus Omega Leonidas: power level increased to 1005 gs. Darkus Omega Leonidas and Harry Kazami win!]

Leo flew into the air and opened his mouth and fired a beam of Darkus energy at Athena, sending her back to her owner. Leo returned to Harry and the field closed, returning time to normal. "That was fun, let's do it again sometime." said Harry with a smile.

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