Chapter 19

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Walking up the steps alone, Jungkook's shoulders hunch down sadly.  Every step takes a huge amount of effort and his thoughts attack him. He's relieved that he's gotten everything off his chest but saying his feelings out loud just made the situation more real. Does he really have feelings for Jin, or is it just lustful? Just because he can't stop thinking about him doesn't mean that he has feelings right?

"Jungkook," a familiar voice called from behind him, the sound of footsteps crashing against wood becoming louder. Turning around, Jungkook catches a gleam of pink hair and his heart begins pounding in his ear. He's frozen, unable to move, hypnotized to the spot by the man trying to catch up to him from below.

"Wait up," the voice declares. Jungkook complies. He can't help it. The magnetism of this man is too strong.

"Are you alright?" Jin asks, placing his hand on the younger boy's shoulder. A shiver runs down the boys spine and he simply nods with a faint smile. Jin nods back in understanding.

Of course he's not alright. Jin knows this. He wouldn't be alright either if he was in this situation. Jin's presence must not be helping much either. The whole situation is levels of painful that he understood all too well. Trying to lighten the mood, Jin grabs hold of the boy's soft hands and leads him up the stairs to his apartment. 

"I need help assembling something." Jin says as he puts his key into the rusted bronze lock and turns. Jungkook perks up and finally provides Jin with eye contact. Smiling, the man enters the apartment and there stands a large brown box, almost as big as Jungkook. 

Jungkook's immediate curiosity swings and he seems to be back to his old self. He walks up to the package and slides his hand over it. There's only one thing better than opening packages.

Opening big packages.

"Can I?" Jungkook asks innocently.

"This time you can open my package." Jungkook blushes at the reference, remembering the feel of the bright pink vibrator in his hands. He shakes off the memory and heads to the kitchen to find a knife to cut open the box. 

He turns around and is suddenly pressed against the counter hard. Jin lifts him up easily and sets him on top of the counter. He separates Jungkook's legs, fits himself in between them, and places his hands on the boy's small torso. Jungkook looks frazzled and his mind can't keep up with his body as he reached for Jin's hips and pulls him closer, Jungkook's butt sliding forward on the smooth surface and crashing his groin into Jin's. His legs wrap around the man and there's not one inch of their bodies that aren't touching. Just before Jungkook is about to kiss him, Jin grabs a fist full of his hair gently and tugs at it, revealing the boy's neck. Jungkook watched as Jin licks his lips before leaning in and pressing them against the skin of his neck. He kisses, licks, sucks, bites and Jungkook can't help but release a moan. 

He doesn't think about how wrong this might be, or how the door is unlocked, or how Yoongi is downstairs expecting him. All he can think about is the burning sensation of his skin underneath his clothing and how desperately he wants to take off his shirt, and Jin's, to feel more skin on skin. While his neck is being ravaged he reached up and begins unbuttoning Jin's shirt, making sure that his fingers graze Jin's chest after each button is opened. Jin reaches Jungkook's collar bone and stretches the v-neck down enough to nibble on it with his lips. 

Jungkook reaches the last button and pushes Jin away from his activity to take the shirt off completely. Jin grabs the edges of the bottom of Jungkook's shirt and lifts it over his head, throwing it to the side so it lands on the stove top. 

Suddenly, everything stops. They stare at each other and realize just what they're doing. Reality begins to hit them and Jungkook slips off the counter, feeling defeated.

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