Chapter 30

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I got ready to meet up with Sungmin. Jimin and I walk hand in hand to the pool. I look around and immediately recognize the tall boy with white hair. I let go of Jimin's hand and run. I keep running until our bodies hit each other, then we hug. I hear Jimin clearing his throat, which makes my pull back from the hug.

"I missed you, Sungmin." I say and he smiled.

"I missed you too." He put a hand on his chest. His eyes move to the side, looking at Jimin. He licks his lips and then bites his bottom lip. "Who is this?" He asks as he runs a hand through his hair.

"This is my boyfriend, Jimin." Said boy raises his eyebrows and I know what he means. "I mean, my fiancé, Jimin." He smiles.

"You're engaged?" We nodded. "Am I invited to the wedding?" He ask excitedly. I nod again.

"Of course. You're my best friend after all."

We talked for a while and then went to eat. He told us that there's a party tonight, that we should go. We agreed and he told us to meet him outside of his room. He gave us the number and left.

We went back to our room and I got in the bathroom. I took off my clothes and got in the shower. I let out a small moan when the warm water hits my back. I throw my head back and start washing my hair.

I put on the shampoo and it gets in my eye. I quickly get under the water to wash it off. Then, I feel something soft touching my neck. I can finally open my eyes and I see Jimin. He was kissing my neck. I smile and push him back to have access to his lips.


I get out of the shower and when I look in the mirror, I see my lips are swollen from all the kissing and there are hickeys all over my neck, chest, and jawline. Jimin gets out too and starts kissing my shoulder. He moves up my neck and then my jawline. He wraps his arms from behind and nibbles on my earlobe.

"Jimin. We just did it. Don't you get tired?" I ask with my eyes closed as I enjoy his kisses.

"Tired? Of you? Never." He smirks in my neck and I knew that there was a second round coming. I just smiled back.


When we finished round two, Jimin fell asleep, so I took the opportunity to dress up. I finished and sat on the bed next to him. I kissed his forehead and then pecked his lips.

"Wake up." I said as I moved down to his neck. I started sucking there and I felt him wake up. I finished the hickey and kissed him again. "Get up and get ready." I stand up and start doing my makeup. I cover up all the hickeys he has given me.

He got up and started dressing up. Once we finished, I texted Sungmin that we were going. We headed out and started looking for it. When we found it, I knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and who I saw left me in shock.

"Seoyoon?" I asked excitedly when I saw the blonde little girl. "Hi princess." I get on my knees and hug her. She laughs and hugs me back.

"I missed you aunt Y/N." She pulled back from the hug and pulled my inside the room. I got up from the floor and went in. "Auntie. Who is that?" She asks while pointing at Jimin.

"He's Park Jimin, my boyfriend." I walk to him. "She doesn't know what fiancé means." I whisper in his ear as I pulled him in. He nodded.

"Isn't Sungmin your boyfriend?" She asked, tilting her head a little.

"No. He's not my boyfriend. He's my best friend." She mouthed an 'oh' and nodded.

"Are you my uncle then?" She asked Jimin. He smiled and nodded. She smiled too and ran to him, hugging his leg. He picks her up and I just watch him. Jimin plays with her and she laughs when he tickles her.

"You're going to make a great dad." I tell him and he looks at me with a big smile, which makes his eyes disappear into thin lines like always and I think it's the most beautiful smile ever.

"I'm ready." I turn around when I hear Sungmin coming out of his room. "Princess, let's go to bed." He takes Seoyoon from Jimin's arms and takes her into the room. I saw them pouting when they got separated and I let out a small chuckle. Sungmin comes back after five minutes. "Let's go."

He takes us to the party. There's a lot of people there. I think everyone came. We walk around and Sungmin said that he saw a boy who he liked. He went to talk to him and then Jimin left to. He went to get drinks.

I look around waiting for Jimin, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see who it is. When I see the face, I feel sadness eating my whole body. But it soon turns into anger.

"What do you want?" I say through clenched teeth.

"Babygirl. That's not the way you talk to the love of your life." He smirked.

"But I'm not talking to the love of my life; I'm talking to you." I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"You ruined my new year. I missed the party because I was sleeping thanks to you." He said angrily.

"You think you didn't ruin my new year? And I was sleeping too, just not alone." I smirked and I could see his ears red from the anger.

"It took you one whole year to sleep with me and you already slept with him?" I nodded proudly and then saw Jimin coming with two beers.

"I didn't trust you enough because I never really loved you." I thought I would cry if I said it, but I didn't. I said it, sounding sure because I was sure. I never felt for him how I feel for Jimin. I could see the sadness in his eyes, but I didn't care.

"Jagiya." Jimin gave me a beer and, ignoring Baekhyun, he pulled me away.

A slow song started playing and everyone stared dancing with their partners. I take both beers and place them on a table. Jimin places his hands on my hips and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We looked into each other's eyes while we danced. Jimin pecked my lips and then rested his head on my shoulder. We heard a noise and everyone looked up. Fireworks.

Jimin pulled back from the hug a looked up to. He moved behind me and moved my hair to the side, reviling my neck. He kissed my neck as his arms wrapped around my waist tightly and he whispered in my ear.

"I love you."

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