Chapter 10

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I sat on the couch in the living room, staring blankly at the TV screen. The TV wasn't on and frankly, I don't need to watch anything. What I'm wondering is how I knew that Optimus and the others were Autobots and how those drones were Decepticons.

"Staring at it won't turn the TV on.", Amelia laughed and grabbed the remote, "Anything you want to watch?"

"No. Just thinking.", I said and she turned the TV off.

"About?", Amelia asked and sat next to me.

"Stuff.", I said and leaned into the couch, "What do you know about aliens?"

"Like what Martian, E.T? It's not real.", Amelia said, visibly tensing, "Why?"

"No reason.", I said and got up, "What's mommy making for dinner?"

"Alfredo.", Amelia said, "And it's Diego's night."

"I knew that.", I said.

"Okay. Who are you and what did you do with my sister?", Amelia growled, holding up an axe.

I gasped and backed up.

"Amelia Jordan Johnson!", Mommy yelled, "Put that axe down this instant and get away from Scarlett with it!"

"But mom! It's not Scarlett! Whoever this is keeps asking about aliens and when dinner is going to be done. Scar never asks what's for dinner and she never forgets who's night it is.", Amelia insisted.

"Am! It's me!", I said, "I swear!"

"Scar doesn't call me Am either!", Amelia said.

"You've got a birthmark on your right butt cheek.", I said.

"Okay, it's Scar.", Amelia said and set the axe down, "Why are you acting so strange?"

"I've just been distracted. My mind hasn't been here lately. I keep getting flashbacks but they're not my flashbacks.", I said, "I feel like I have someone else's memories."

I heard a horn from outside and opened the curtain. I spotted Ultra Magnus on the side of the road.

"Who is it?", Mommy asked, "Neighbor playing with the horn? Rhyan?"

"Neither. It's another friend of Rhyan's. Got to go. Bye. I'll be home in time for dinner..... hopefully. If not, I've got something in my bag.", I said and left.

I got in the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on. Ultra Magnus started driving.

"Optimus asked me to get you. I don't know why.", Ultra Magnus said.

"Okay. I appreciate you willing to do this, commander.", I said, "I understand that Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee have charges as well. Who are they?"

"Their names are Jack, Miko, and Rafeal. They are also natives.", Ultra Magnus said as he turned down the dirt road that lead us to the base.

I nodded as we pulled into base. I jumped out and spotted Optimus. He looked like he had healed very well from the accident.

"Thank you, Ultra Magnus.", Optimus said, "Scarlett, come with me."

I followed Optimus as instructed. He brought me to what looked like a training room. Weapons were lined up nicely along the wall, targets were set up along another wall.

"What are we doing here?", I asked.

"I'm going to train you.", Optimus said, "While in our care, you may encounter Decepticons in holoform. Jack, Miko, and Rafeal are training with their guardians. I figured that since Ratchet is usually busy monitoring activity, that I'd teach you."

"Okay.", I said.

We got to work. He activated his holoform and showed me different starters. We trained for a good hour before deciding that it was enough for today.

"That was quite fun.", I said, Optimus smiled a little.

"We will continue training the next time you come.", Optimus said, I nodded.

"Okay. I'm going to walk around base for a bit then see if Ratchet can take me home in time for dinner.", I said.

I started walking around and the more I walked, the more I felt drawn to something. I started walking down a hallway that held lots of doors. I felt drawn to most of them but one of them was stronger. I stopped at a door and opened it. Inside sat a hammer that looked way too familiar to me. I heard footsteps heading my way and spotted Smokescreen.

"How'd you get that open?", He asked, "Oh, the forge. Optimus used that to repair the star saber that Megatron broke during one of their battles. What's your interest?"

"I just feel drawn to it for some reason. The star saber sounds very familiar too.", I said, "I don't know why but I feel different when I'm around you guys. I get this sense of authority."

"Maybe you were just born a leader, born to meet us.", Smokescreen said.

"I don't think that's why.", I said as I closed the door, "What other relics do you have?"

"Aside from the star saber and forge, we have the Apex armor, spark extractor, phase shifter, immobilizer, polarity gauntlet, and we used to have four keys called the Omega keys. They open up an-", I cut Smokescreen off.

"Omega lock. Designed to restore Cybertron. What do you mean used to?", I asked.

"Starscream stole the ones we had using red Energon. He gave all four to Megatron as a negotiation tactic. He wanted back in with the cons.", Smokescreen explained.

"Well, there went your chance to restore Cybertron.", I said.

"Okay, genius, since seem to know so much about the keys and the forge, can we recreate the keys using the forge?", Smokescreen asked.

"No. The keys were designed by Primus himself. He used his Energon. That's why you can restore Cybertron.", I said, "So, unless you can find white Energon, which is extremely rare more so then red Energon, you can't recreate the keys. I have the knowledge to recreate them but I need the Energon in order to do it."

"Man!", Smokescreen groaned.

"However, creating the Omega lock is another story. It's much simpler. All you need is synthetic Energon.", I said.

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