Chapter 11

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"Optimus! Where are the other Autobots?", I asked.

"Fighting. The Decepticons infiltrated Iacon. They're keeping them distracted for as long as they can while Alpha Trion launches off the last of the relics.", Optimus said.

"Good. Hopefully my creations left Cybertron already.", I said.

"I've been meaning to ask you. Why did you give them to Alpha Trion? Wouldn't they be safer with you?", Optimus asked.

"No. Some things, Optimus, cannot be stopped. Should I get killed in battle, I know that my relics are safe.", I said, he seemed to be pondering something, "What is it?"

"What are we going to do now? Megatron is killing Primus and there's nothing we can do to stop the spread.", Optimus said.

"Should things get worse, we will send all Autobots off Cybertron. The wreckers will stay just in case Decepticons are still here. Megatron will most likely evacuate Cybertron along with some or most of his followers.", I said.

"Who are we going to have lead the Wreckers?", Optimus asked.

"That, Optimus, is your decision.", I said and spotted a Decepticon,"Starscream."

"Ugh! SCARLETT!", Amelia yelled.

"Ow! My eardrum! Don't you know I have sensitive ears?", I asked.

"Mom's making breakfast. She asked me to get you just in case you were changing.", Amelia said.

"I'd rather have Diego come up here. Even if I was changing. At least he doesn't kill my eardrum.", I said.

"Your such a baby.", Amelia said as she left.

I growled. I got out of bed and got dressed. These..... flashbacks..... visions, whatever, have been coming more and more. I used to have them once a week, now it's every day. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and went into the fridge. My Energon wasn't there.

"Who took my juice?!", I asked, "Amelia! Don't drink that!"

I ran over and took the Energon from her.

"Why not? It's just juice.", Amelia said.

"I wouldn't drink that, Amelia.", I looked over and saw Rhyan, "If you did, your organs would deteriorate. You could die."

"If I could die, why is Scarlett drinking it? Wouldn't it do the same thing?", Amelia asked.

"No. She doesn't have a heart, she has a spark. That 'juice' is Energon. Scarlett, let's go. We've got stuff to do.", Rhyan said.

"Be careful.", Mommy said.

"I will, mommy.", I said and left with Ratchet, "What are we doing first?"

"While I am out on patrol, you will be monitoring communications as everyone else will be out on patrol. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead's charges will be there if you have questions.", Ratchet said, "When we all return, everyone is going to the training room."

I nodded and jumped out when we got to base. Shortly after we arrived, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee arrived with their charges. I was sitting on Ratchet's shoulder.

"Scarlett? That you?", Miko asked.

"Ep, ep, ep, ep, ep, don't talk, just listen.", I remained silent and watched Ratchet work.

I took careful notes. When it was time for them to leave, Ratchet activated the bridge. Each bot left one by one. Ratchet was the last to leave.

"Don't let anyone else touch the monitors.", Ratchet said, I nodded and he left.

I closed the bridge and walked over to my post.

"How long have you know the bots?", Jack asked.

"My whole life. I knew about their holoforms but they recently showed me their true forms. Optimus has been teaching me to fight.", I said, "Though it comes naturally."

"Naturally?", Raf asked.

"To me, it's like breathing. The second I see it, I can mimic the movement. Optimus hasn't taught me much, just the basic starters but I know a lot more than just the basics.", I said, "Miko, don't touch."

"I'm older than you.", Miko said.

"But Ratchet said to not let anyone touch.", I said, "So....."

"Who's your guardian?", Jack asked.

"Ratchet is. He has been since I was born.", I said as the proximity alarm went off.

"That's the-"

"Proximity alarm. I know.", I said with a smile and brought up the visual aid, "Mommy?! My siblings?!"

; Something wrong, Scarlett?; Ratchet asked.

;Just some visitors.; I said as the elevator doors opened.

"Hello, kids. Where's Optimus?", Mommy asked.

"Ask her. She knows where everyone is.", Miko said and pointed at me.

"Scarlett?!", Amelia asked.

I looked at Andy.

"No touch!", I yelled, startling him, "Ratchet's orders."

"So, where is the big O?", Andy asked.

"Optimus is in Egypt.", I said, "The closest bot is Arcee."

; Child, comm the others and bridge them to my coordinates.; Ultra Magnus said.

;Yes, commander.; I said ;All units, prepare to groundbridge. Commander Ultra Magnus is in need of assistance.;

I walked over to the bridge and brought everyone back then sent them all to Ultra Magnus. Everyone came back except one.

"Is he....?", I slowly asked.

"No. The Decepticons took him prisoner.", Ultra Magnus said.

"Why is that?", I asked.

"Synth-en. They want Ratchet to stabilize it.", Arcee explained.

"You mean to tell me that you actually managed to crack the code for Synthetic Energon?", I asked.

"Well, Bulkhead here got the formula in his processor and was writing it out using a mop and paint. We didn't get the whole thing. Ratchet used what we had to try and stabilize the formula. He used it on himself as a super-soldier-syrum.", Arcee explained.

"Unstable Synthetic Energon? Primus help us all.", I said.

"Everything was flushed out of his system.", Smokescreen said, "Right?"

"No. Unstable Synthetic Energon is extremely dangerous. If they find out what unstable Synthetic Energon holds, it could mark the end of the Autobots.", I said.

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