Chapter 7

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Just to be clear, this book gets updated on MONDAY of every week. Please don't keep asking me to update. This book has a schedule so I can focus on other books completions on other days of the week instead of worrying about 6 different books in one day.

Ugh! Why me?

I laid on my bed and held my stomach. Ever since I woke up, I've felt sick. Like, really really sick.

"Why do you hate me?!", I asked as I glared at my stomach, "I wanted to go to school today! I have a project to present!"

I went to sit up but the second I did, I nearly threw up. I laid back down and groaned. Mommy came in and felt my forehead.

"Still feel sick?", Mommy asked, I nodded.

"I really really really really wanted to go to school today so I can present my human body project.", I said, "I even memorized the systems, the muscles, and the bone names."

"Oh, I know, honey. Maybe tomorrow.", Mommy said, "I called Rhyan. He's going to come over to take care of you. I tried to see if someone could take my shift so I could take care of you but no one can work so I have to."

"I understand, mommy.", I said, "I'll see you when you get home."

"Okay. I love you.", Mommy said and left.

I looked at the picture of Aiden and I on my last birthday. The funeral is in two days. Mommy arranged for one of us to talk about Aiden. Diego couldn't because he knew Aiden for so long that he'd cry and he gets embarrassed when he cries. Andy doesn't want to because he still feels like he killed Aiden. Amelia doesn't want to because she's afraid her mascara will run down her face and she doesn't want that to happen. I volunteered to talk about him.

When Diego was busy, Aiden would take care of me. He always told me bedtime stories about silly things he did when he was my age. It'd always make me laugh.

I heard the front door open and Rhyan walked into my room shortly after.

"Not feeling well?", Rhyan asked.

"No. My stomach doesn't like me.", I said causing Rhyan to smile a little.

"Have you eaten anything?", Rhyan asked.

"No. Mommy was afraid I'd throw it back up.", I said.

"Let me get you something to eat.", Rhyan said and left my room.

I grabbed my medical kit from my headboard and pulled out my stethoscope. I put the ear pieces in and set the bell over my heart. My eyes widen when I heard a soft humming noise. I didn't know I had special heart. I didn't see Rhyan come in so when he sat down next to me, I jumped.

"Something wrong?", Rhyan asked.

"I have a special heart.", I said, "Here."

I handed him his stethoscope and he set the bell over my heart when I moved the bell for my stethoscope. His eyes widen as mine did.

"Let me go grab something out of my Hummer.", Rhyan said and set his stethoscope back in his bag.

He came back with what looked like a box with blue liquid inside.

"What's that?", I asked.

"Energon. It's what those of us with sparks or special hearts, as you call them, drink. It keeps us from getting sick.", Rhyan said, "It's our main source of energy. It might taste a little sour."

"Okay.", I said and took it.

Slowly, I started to drink it. I was surprised by how good it tasted and finished it off.

Rhyan chuckled, "How is it that you children get most of what you eat or drink on your face?"

"No idea.", I said and smiled, "Don't you have kids, Rhyan?"

"No. My children all perished. They were about your age when they died.", Rhyan explained.

"How did they die?", I asked.

"They were shot.", Rhyan explained, "I had twins, a girl and a boy. My daughter took a bullet through her head and my son took a bullet through his spark."

"Your kids had special hearts, too?", I asked, Rhyan nodded, "That was good Energon."

Rhyan chuckled, "You should start to feel better soon. I'll stop by early in the morning from now on to give you enough to last the day."

"So, these will replace what I eat?", I asked.

"You can still eat what you normally have, just make sure to have Energon with your meal.", Rhyan said, I nodded, "Now, rest. I'll come back in a few hours to check on you."

I yawned, "Okay."

I fell asleep almost immediately.

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