7| Is it over?

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Ian wasn't with him, so she's either safe or dead.

"Please Viktor, stop!"

"You're so cute when you plead" he walked closer.

"Glory, Lily, just go! Save yourselves!" Allegra shouted. "Ohh just shut up!" He said as he pulled the rope tied around Allegra's neck.

"On second thought, don't leave!"

"She's right, and you shouldn't leave. You should witness the deaths of your best friends" Viktor said as he dragged Allegra and Sunniva into the room.

He pushed passed me and Lily. I tried to grab the rope, but Viktor saw me and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't you even dare try" he said in a really deep voice that sent chills down my spine. 

My hand started shaking as i slowly reached down into my pocket. Tears slowly ran down my cheeks as i pulled out that object that i knew could save us. I pointed that object at Viktor's back. He was tying the rope onto the ceiling, but before he could finish i pulled the trigger 3 times. 

Three bullet holes appeared on his back as he slowly turned back to face me. 

"Glory? Why?" He said as he started to fall to the ground. "Guys, let's go!" Lily said helping Allegra and Sunniva up. They ran to the door but i stood there. My vision started to become blurry as my tears covered my sight. A big pool of blood appeared around him and soon my tears mixed with it. I knelt down beside him and started whispering I'm sorry into his ear.

"Glory, we gotta go!" Lily screamed as Allegra and Sunniva went in the car.


I drove down the road. Lily looking out the road beside me and Sunniva and Allegra sleeping in the back seat. A tear rolled down my eye again and I wiped it away with the back of my hand.

I don't think i was crying because i was sad that Viktor died, i think it was because most of my friends died because of me. And i just have a feeling that Viktor was coming back, i guess i just knew him all too well. And that thought scared me so much. Especially if he came for my family... 

"I know, he meant a lot to you, Glory" Lily started. "But it was for the best. He was a psycho. And plus, maybe he really did love you, seeing that he never killed you after 3 years, right?"

"i guess so...?" I replied weakly.

When i reached my house, I told Lily, Allegra and Sunniva to just stay in my place for now, and they agreed.

Everything seemed over, we were still very nervous and jumpy but we were getting better. My parents didn't come home yet so we just had dinner and went to sleep early. We planned to go on with our lives like nothing happened, but of course, we had to inform the police, but we could just do that tomorrow. 



A loud scream filled the house as i bolted up out of my bed. I looked beside me and i saw that my friends woke up as well.

I pointed at a drawer were I kept some weapons and they all picked one. I grabbed the gun i used to kill Viktor out from under my pillow and i slowly walked to the door. 


Another scream filled the house and this time it was quiet... too quiet.

I placed my hand on the door knob, shaking. "Be careful" Lily whispered. I nodded. I slowly opened the door careful not to make any sound. The door opened to a quiet hallway. They all pushed behind me to see what was happening.

"Who's there?" Sunniva asked quietly. "I don't know I can't see anything" I whispered back.

I was just about to close the door when i saw a silhouette of a man in the hallway walking towards us. I closed the door directly and faced my friends with horror.

"Run" I whispered.

Without any questions or any sounds, me and Sunniva started blocking the door with objects like sofas and drawers while Lily and Allegra started stuffing my clothes and stuff into a bag.

After i blocked the door, we started to gear up. I placed a knife in a knife holder that was wrapped around my ankle. I hid more weapons somewhere around my body.

They used some of my stuff before so I guess there will be no problem if they used some of my clothes.

Then, I locked it just to make it harder to get in. We started to make a rope from my blankets and threw it out the window. WE tied the other half of our rope on the bed and one by one we started climbing down. When three of the were down, I remembered I had one last thing I wanted to bring. I looked around my room when suddenly there was a banging on the door. I hurriedly looked through the drawers when i finally found it, the necklace of my older brother who went missing 1 year ago. I placed it around my neck and started to climb down the rope.

The door burst open pushing all the drawers and sofas away. After all, Viktor was really strong.

"There you are, honey" he said spotting my head peeking out of the window. 

My heart started pounding and i started shaking which made if harder to climb down the rope. To make things worst, it started raining really heavily and started to soak me and my friends who were waiting for my at the bottom of the rope. It was starting to rain even harder so it was hard to see.

 Viktor reached the window and tried to grab me. But before he could, i grabbed the knife from my ankle and stabbed his hand.

He groaned in agony but he pulled the knife out of his hand and dropped it making it stab Lily's thigh. Lily fell to the ground and i screamed out her name to find out if she was okay. But then, Viktor grabbed my hair and hit my head on the wall and everything was black...





Okay, so I'm sorry  i haven;t updated in such a long time but here it is now. Even if i took really long to post this update.. i hope you guys will continue to support me and this book. I'm really sorry and i understand if you'll probably stop reading this book but I hope you'll at least continue to support me or even recommend this book to some of your friends...

Thank you and I'm sorry.

Your loving author, Marie.

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