Part 9 - News

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In the afternoon at University in Tokyo, Watanabe Risa just finished her last test. She went out from the university then contacted Ozeki Rika by phone call.

"Hello Ozeki?"
"Ah- Risa, have you finish with your test?" asked Ozeki via phone call.
"Un, but I'm sorry I can't go out with you now. I must meet Akanen after this." apoogized Risa.
"Ah.. is there something important?"
"Manaka just came back from UK.." answered Risa.
"E-eh? M-Manaka? But.. Manaka--" shocked Ozeki.
"--there is no time to explain what happened. I need to hurry.."
"Wait Risa, I'm going with you. Where are you right now?"
"I'm going alone to Akanen's place. Don't worry, I will be alright.." said Risa.
"A-ah.. but Risa.."
"I said, I will be alright. You don't have to accompany me this time.."
"Okay.. If you need anything... Let me know.." said Ozeki.
"Thanks. I need to catch the train now, bye." said Risa then she cut off the call.

After calling Ozeki, she put her phone in her bag then rushed to the train station. She took a train to the place where Akane wait for her.

In the coffee cafe, Moriya Akane was sitting with her favorite cappucino. She stired her cappucino with a little spoon while waiting for Risa. Suddenly Akane's phone ringing, it was a call from Sugai Yuuka then she picked up the phone.

"AKANEN?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" shouted Yuuka from the call.
"Oi.. Oi.. calm down! You just hurt my ear!" complained Akane.
"A-ah.. sorry.." apologized Yuuka.
"I'm in a cafe that we used to hang out." answered Akane.
"I'll be there soon! Wait for me!" said Yuuka then she hanged up the call.

Before Akane went to a cafe, she contacted Watanabe Risa, Watanabe Rika and Sugai Yuuka about Manaka. But Akane failed contacted Watanabe Rika because Rika's phone didn't active. After contacting her friends she tried to calmed herself down with her favorite cappucino so that she can tell a story to her best friend.

A half hour has passed, Watanabe Risa and Sugai Yuuka arrived at cafe together. They immidiately rushed to Akane's direction when Akane waved her hand after she saw Risa and Yuuka coming.

As Sugai Yuuka and Watanabe Risa sit, Sugai Yuuka began to asked about Manaka.

"Do you really met Manaka? How does she looked like?" asked Yuuka enthusiast.
"So the person that I met is not Manaka?" added Risa.
"Eh? You met someone who looked like Manaka?" asked Yuuka to Risa.
"Yes, I met this person yesterday. She is really similiar to Manaka." answered Risa to Yuuka.

Risa and Yuuka were excited about Manaka because they are finally will meet Manaka again after 2 years. Moriya Akane looked at them with sad face, suddenly Akane's tears flow out as she looked down.
Sugai Yuuka noticed Akane's tears because she sit next to her, Yuuka and Risa look confused because Akane was crying.

"Akanen? Why are you crying?" asked Yuuka as she tapped Akane's shoulder.
"Risa.." called Akane as she wiped her tears.
"Hm?" confused Risa.
"I went to Manaka's house and she was there. She came home a week ago.." said Akane.

Risa's eyes suddenly wide open as she heard from Akane that Manaka already home. She felt a bit relieved.

"Really? I-I am glad.. But why did you cry?" asked Risa.
"Well.. Manaka came home because of an accident.." continued Akane.
"Accident?! Did she hurt or.." shocked Yuuka and Risa together.
"Manaka came home because she lost her memory in an accident that caused her parents died.." said Akane as her tears streamed down through her cheeks.

Yuuka and Risa were shocked. It made their eyes widely open as they heard what Akane said.

"M-Manaka.. lost her memory? Is the person that I bumped yesterday.. was Manaka?" shocked Risa as she looked down.
"..probably." answered Akane as she looked at Risa.

They were silenced for a moment after news that shocked Yuuka and Risa. Suddenly Yuuka speak and breaking the heavy atmosphere around them.

"Hey.. at least she is fine right? All we can do now is help her to gain her memory back.." said Yuuka.
Risa and Akane both nodded then a smile appeared on Risa's face.

"Let's help Manaka to gain her memories." said Risa.
"You are right, Risa." said Akane.
"So, Akanen. How did you meet Manaka?" asked Yuuka.
"I went to her house, she lived with her Grandma." said Akane.

Akane told them about how she met Manaka. Risa looked a bit sad then Yuuka cheered her up. After Akane told the story, Risa and Yuuka ordered their drink.

"I'm ice blended moccachino. How about you Risa?" asked Yuuka.
"Cappucino Tapioca looks delicious. 1 Cappucino Tapioca please." said Risa as she looked at the menu book.
"Okay, please wait for a moment." said the waitress as she noted Yuuka and Risa's order then leave.

"Tommorow I will go to Manaka's house again. I already promised to her grandma to help Manaka gain her memory back." said Akane.
"I'm in. I also want to meet her." said Risa.
"How about you, Yuuka?" asked Akane.
"I will join you too. I don't have any plan tommorow." said Yuuka as she smiled.
"Ah, have you informed Pe-chan about this?" asked Risa as she remembered Watanabe Rika.
"Aah! About Pe-chan, I called her number but she seems turned off her phone. Her number didn't active." answered Akane.
"Eh? You guys didn't know? Pe-chan is going to Hokkaido with her family for a week. She said that she won't use her phone because she had a family business." said Yuuka.
"Eeh?! Hokkaido?! She didn't tell us!" shocked Risa and Akane.
"Yesterday she called me and told me about her plan to go to Hokkaido. I thought Pe-chan already told you both.." said Yuuka.
"I bet she forgot to tell us. It oftenly happened.." said Risa as she nodded.

After that, they were laughing and remembering their past with Manaka. They made some plans to help Manaka regain her memory.

'Don't worry.. Manaka, we will make you remember us again.' think Risa as she look at Yuuka and Akane laughed each other.

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