Part 22 - I'm promise..

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A few months has passed, Kobayashi Yui get along with Shida Manaka after Manaka rejected Kobayashi Yui's confession. Watanabe Risa rarely get much time to be with Manaka because Manaka always going out with Kobayashi Yui. Risa only can meet Manaka at college.

In the sunny afternoon Watanabe Risa now visiting Moriya Akane's house to ask for an advises. Today is Akane's day off from her work so Risa can visit Akane's place.

"So what's up with you?" asked Akane as she sit on the bed in her bedroom.
"I think Manaka has changed.." said Risa who sit on the chair near the desk in Akane's room.
"What do you mean?" confused Akane.
"I mean.. now she is getting along with Yuipon." said Risa as she averted her look.
"Pfftt..!" Akane hold her laugh as she heard what Risa said to her. Akane know that Risa just jealous to Manaka after that she smiled to Risa.

"Why you laughed?" confused Risa.
"Nothing! It just.. kinda rare to see you like this." giggled Akane.
"Geez Akanen.. Don't play around, I'm serious. I'm gonna tell you my story but you laughed at me.." sighed Risa.
"Okay.. okay.. sorry. I will listen to your story properly, go ahead." said Akane

Risa told Akane about Manaka's relationship to Kobayashi Yui, lately Manaka went with Kobayashi Yui. Kobayashi Yui oftenly invited Manaka to go out and Manaka always accepted it without any hestitate even she was with Risa. Risa ever asked to Manaka about her relationship to Kobayashi Yui but Manaka always answered that she is just be friend with Kobayashi Yui. Risa also told Akane that she and Manaka rarely meet because of Kobayashi Yui.

"Risa.. I think you just over thinking to Manaka." said Akane.
"Over thinking? What do you mean?"
"I mean you just too afraid to lose her again. Did Manaka always open to you after she went with Yuipon?" asked Akane.
"Yeah, she always told me her story. Even the moment when Yuipon confessed Manaka for the twice." said Risa.
"Eh?! Yuipon confessed Manaka again?!" shocked Akane.
"Huh? You didn't know it?"
"Eehh.. I just know it today. Dang! Manaka didn't told me that!" mumbled Akane.
"I thought she talked to you about that."
"No, no.. She didn't tell me. When did Yuipon confess Manaka?"
"It is around the first time when Manaka met Yuipon after we went to the same college." answered Risa.

"Ahh I see.." nodded Akane.

"Today Manaka went with Yuipon, she said that she need to go somewhere with Yuipon." said Risa as she looked down.
"Eh? She went out with Yuipon?" unbelievable Akane.
"Yeah.." nodded Risa weakly.
"Did you asked Manaka where she is going to?"
"I've asked it and she said that she can't tell it right now." answered Risa.

'What the hell Manaka do with Yuipon. Seems like she is hiding something..' think Akane.

"Well Risa, at least please keep your mind positive. Maybe she have something to do related with her college? You and Yuipon are in the same college with Manaka right?" said Akane trying to reassured Risa.
"If it was related to college thing, why she won't tell it to me?" asked Risa.

Akane silenced as Risa said that. She can't say anything to reassured Risa.

"Akanen, do you think what I think?" asked Risa.
"I was thinking that.. Manaka already fall for Yuipon."
"Hey! Watch your mouth Risa! Manaka will never do that!"
"U-uh.. I just thinking.."
"Risa please.. Don't thinking like that.. Have you contact Manaka today?"
"I sent her a message but she haven't read it." said Risa as she shakes her head.

"Seems like there is a wall between us.." continued Risa.
"Come on Risa.. Don't think like that, I'm sure Manaka have a reason why she rarely go out with you." said Akane

'Just what the hell is she doing with Yuipon?' think Akane.

"But Akanen.. It's hurt.. Seeing Manaka with Yuipon makes me hurt sometimes even she said to me that they are just a friend." said Risa as she hold her chest.
"I know how do you feel but, let's trust Manaka." said Akane as she approached Risa and touched Risa's shoulder with both of her hands.
"Just how long I must trust her if she always get along with someone else closer than me.." said Risa looked down.

Suddenly Risa's phone ringing, there is a call from Manaka then Risa immidiately answered it.

"Hello? Manaka?" said Risa.

Akane watched Risa seriously as Risa talking with Manaka by phone.

"Hi Risa, sorry I didn't reply your message. I was with Yuipon." said Manaka.

Risa looked down as Manaka mentioned Kobayashi Yui's nickname. "Un, that's okay. Where are you right now?"

"I'm on my way back home."
"I see.."
"Ah, Risa. Can I ask you something?" asked Manaka.
"What is that?"
"Err.. Can you go to the Triangle Park near your house?"
"Hm? Why you want me to go there?"
"Please go there at July 6th."
"Eh? 2 weeks again?! Why must at 6th??" asked Risa.
"Just go there. 8.00pm, July 6th, don't be so late. And.. we can't meet up before that date." said Manaka.
"Wait! Why?! Tell me why! Do you want to leave me again?" said Risa emotionaly.
"It's not like that. There is something that I have to do.. and 1 more thing. Don't go to my house, I will not be there."
"Where are you going Manaka?! Tell me.. please.. let me know.." said Risa as she hold her tears. Risa is really afraid of losing Manaka again.

"I'm going back UK now." said Manaka clearly.

Risa shocked as Manaka said that she want to go back to UK. Risa really can't hold her tears again. The tears streamed down through her cheeks while she cover her mouth with her another hand. Akane looks confused also worried as she looked at Risa who suddenly crying.

"No.. please don't leave me again.. I'm begging you Manaka.." said Risa while crying.
"Risa, I'll be back this time.. I'm promise.." said Manaka.
"Please don't go.. I don't need your promises, I just need you.. Manaka..." said Risa again.
"It's about the time. I must hurry.."
"MANAKAA!!" shouted Risa via call.

Akane shocked by Risa's voice. Seems like something bad just happened between her best friends. Akane now really worried of Risa.

"Please wait for me.. I'll be back.." said Manaka then the phone call ended.
"No! NOOO!! MANAKA!!" shouted Risa but it's too late for her because Manaka already ended the call. Risa crying loudly and it makes Akane more worried and suddenly hug Risa.

"What's up with you Risa? Calm down yourself first.." said Akane as she tried to make Risa calm.
"Manaka... Manaka.." said Risa haltingly while crying.
"What just happened with Manaka?!"
"Manaka.. is going to UK again.." said Risa as she crying in Akane's hug.

Akane shocked because Manaka is going to UK without any proper farewell. Akane hug Risa tightly as Risa crying in her hug. Akane didn't say anything because she is still shocked and all she can do just hugging Risa to make her best friend calm down herself.

Meanwhile in the airport..

"Is this fine for you?" asked Kobayashi Yui who accompanied Manaka.
"Yeah.. This is better rather than I must see Risa's crying face.." said Manaka coldly.
"Well.. alright, take care of yourself Manaka." said Yui.
"Definitely. Thank you for helping me these day Yuipon, and promise me to not tell anyone about my reason." said Manaka.
"Yeah, I'm promise.. If you find those things, please come back as soon as fast. Risa might crying right now because of your farewell call. You dumb.." said Yui.
"I already told you right.. I can't face Risa if I want to say goodbye to her.."
"Okay.. okay.. Now just go and get those things back. If you come back empty handed, I will make you lose your memory again." said Yui.
"Woo.. scary~ I will get it, don't worry. Well, until then.. Goodbye Yuipon.." said Manaka then she walked away as she waved her hand to Yuipon.

"Bye... Mona.." said Yui waved her hand to the leaving Manaka.

'I hope this is the best way for Manaka and Risa...'

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