Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this I was testing out some story ideas and I think for at least a little bit longer I'm going to stick to fanfics until I get a bit better at writing and I will make original stories a bit later, so I decided to a fic between some of my favorite characters of my favorite anime since I never see any terra formars fanfics. Anyway, this story starts after the end of episode 9 on terraformars so be sure to watch the episode prior to reading this for context. 

*Adolf POV*

As Adolf felt the blood pouring out of him while he lay on the cold rocky floor, all he could think about was his life before the annex 1. He wished he could reminisce about something, anything happy or positive in his life before he met his comrades at U-NASA, but he simply couldn't, the only thing he thought of brought tears to his eyes as he remembered the woman who used him and broke him after finally making him feel human again. Tears slowly streamed down his face as he realized he never really had any other happy memories in his entire life but smiled simultaneously as he was strangely content with dying to protect all of his comrades. Enrique, Mirapix, Fritz, Isabella, Johann, Rachel, Sandra, Wac, and Eva. His comrades, and the only real friends he had ever had in his entire pathetic life, he was content that at least they would continue living even a little bit longer because of his death. He laid there with tears, rain, and blood covering his smiling face as he laid there in the bottom of the valley, along with the corpses of hundreds of terraformars he had taken with him. The last thing he ever saw was the rain pouring from the sky, the dull gray sky that presided over the landscape, smothering even the slightest hint of sunlight, he took one last look at the sky of the planet that had cost him everything and gave him everything, and then he blacked out.

*Eva POV*

Eva looked at her bloodied and bruised teammates and at her captain, with blood pouring out of him as he laid there in the ground, as quickly as she could, she slowly dragged them all to the ship and started attending to their wounds as best she could, while keeping watch for any terraformars at the same time. She was the only one to completely survive the onslaught due to adolf's protection and her base, the planarian, an organism that had extraordinary regenerative powers, she was currently using its powers to keep herself awake and aware, using the planarian dna to regenerate worn out cells and replace them with new ones to keep her energy up so she could treat everyone and make sure everyone lived, the others hadn't sustained any major injuries due to the resilience of their bases, however, her captain was a different story, he was in really bad condition, with injuries covering his body, she tended to him day and night to the point of exhaustion when at one point she reached her limit and collapsed, she had been working. Twenty-four hours for three days straight, thanking the gods that no terraformars had shown up. She was tending to Adolf and making sure his bandages were changed when she collapsed from overexertion and fell right on top of him gently falling asleep right on top of her beloved captain, the one that had used his body as a shield against the rain of rocks that had come from the terraformars and used the last of his power to save them by electrocuting the remaining ones. The same captain that had given her a reason to live after her controlling parents sold her off when their company went bankrupt, leaving her alone and afraid until she met him, he gave her the feeling that she belonged and a family that loved her for who she was. He had also given her her first experience of love, he seemed cold and stoic but she could tell that underneath the facade, he was a kind and gentle person who she loved with all of her heart.

Shortly after Eva had collapsed, the rest of the team had started waking up one by one, with Isabella gasping as she looked at her body and it was in perfect condition and she noticed everyone else in makeshift beds with bandages. After everyone had woken up, they looked around for their captain only to see Eva sleeping on top of him with a lab coat on and bandages still in her hand. They looked at one another and slowly closed the doors, they all knew how Eva felt about Adolf and they wholeheartedly supported it as they knew what had happened to Adolf in the past with his wife and they felt he deserved someone like Eva.

The rest of the crew started checking their current situation and were just as surprised as Eva was when they noticed not a single terraformar on their radar, they started packing up the makeshift bed and doing inventory checks so that they would be ready to move when their captain woke up, since most of them were support bases and didn't have any ability to fight, they wanted to be as useful as possible since the captain had almost died to save them.

*Adolf POV*

'I'm alive? Why is it so dark? And why does my chest feel so heavy?' Adolf looked down to see Eva collapsed on his chest with a bandage still in her hand, mumbling quietly in her sleep, he could tell she had been working for days and probably collapsed from exhaustion due to the bags under her eyes and her breathing. Eva started to wake up and started to get up from her spot on Adolf's chest when she felt his hand gently press her back down onto his chest, "It's ok, you look exhausted still and an exhausted crew member is a liability, just get some rest, for now, you need it"

Eva was now blushing profusely as she could feel the warmth of adolf's bare chest and hear his heart beating right next to her, she knew he was probably just concerned about her health but she was still right on top of him and he was shirtless, she could see every minute detail of his body anywhere that the bandages weren't covering and it made her face heat up even more, it wasn't that embarrassing before because she was more concerned about his life but now it was different and her mind was racing as she looked up and saw his sleeping face as he had quickly fallen back asleep since he was still weak from the surgery.

Eva was extremely flustered and happy that she had some alone time with him and she was even being embraced by his arms, which was more than enough for her to start smiling and blushing, all the while, the rest of the crew was watching the whole event occur through the camera that was meant for security but was now being used to watch the entire event in impeccable quality as all of them snickered in amusement at how flustered Eva was getting at being so close to her crush.

All of the festivities were quickly interrupted when the crew nearly jumped out of there seats when they saw a ping on the terraformar radar that was closing quickly, then for a second, the entire ship shook as a single terraformar was holding the entire rover up in the air, destroying their ability to get away, and trapping them in the arms of a strangely powerful terraformar.

When the ship was lifted up, the sleeping Eva and adolf fell out of the bed and both of them ending up sprawled on the floor and adolf quickly trying to get up but failing due to his injuries, Eva helped him up and ran to the front where she could see Isabella grabbing the serum for her base, she suddenly saw the terraformar appear at the window and pull of the entire window with ease, however, it didn't look like an ordinary terra formar, it had a dark brown shell and very large arms that seemed to possess incredible strength. Isabella transformed and Eva saw the terraformar with a rock in its hand and she paled as she realized what was about to happen, Eva ran to the Isabella, pushing her out of the way but getting her right arm torn off by the force of the rock that went straight through the floor and made a rather large explosion of dust in the ground underneath, Isabella then quickly got behind the terraformar and kicked its head straight down into its chest, quickly killing the terraformar and leaving its corpse disfigured.

Isabella rushed over to Eva who was clutching at her arm while trying to muffle her screams as blood poured from her hand. "Someone get the serum dammit!" Isabella shouted as the rest of them rushed to where the serum was stored and quickly injected her with it and within moments, Her arm started to regrow, adolf had just walked out of the room and saw the whole sight he nodded to Isabella and picked up Eva bridal style and carried her to the bed that he had been in until a moment ago, much to the amusement of the crew which was quickly quieted by a concerned Isabella as she saw someone that she saw almost as a little sister get wounded protecting her, she kicked herself for not protecting her comrade better.

After Adolf, with difficulty, laid Eva down, he sat down on the chair and pulled a blanket over himself and quickly fell asleep after he made sure Eva was okay. Then he looked at her sleeping form for a moment and promptly

Closed his eyes.

"This is bad, I'm feeling a way that I haven't felt in a long time and this is not the time or place to be feeling like this, especially after last time"

Adolf Reinhardt x Eva Frost (Terra Formars)Where stories live. Discover now