Chapter 2

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Adolf and the others were already up with the exception of Eva, who still needed to recover after three days straight of giving medical attention and scouting the area. Isabella walked up to Adolf with a bottle of water.

"Sir, we only have enough water for another week and food for another month, and that's really rationing it out, which won't allow us to be at our peak performance, sir, we really need to find a source of water and a viable way to find food before it gets to the point that we are starving ourselves of the essentials to survive"

Adolf just nodded and looked at the radar that showed the topography and the terraformar locations, he mulled it over for a few minutes and found a path that should steer them clear of any terraformars and should allow them to get to a safe source of water within the hour.

"Johann, can you drive us there while Antonio and mirapix act as visual lookouts for terraformars?"

"Yes sir, no problem"

After the rover started moving, Adolf went to check up on Eva and saw her face covered in tears as she was curled into a ball while sobbing uncontrollably, he quietly rushed over and noticed she was still asleep. He shook her out of it and as she started to wake up, he held her close with her head pressed into his chest in a comforting embrace as he tried to calm her down.

"C-Captain? What's going on? Is something w-wrong?" She said while trying slowly to clean up her tears

"Nothings wrong Eva, I saw you having a nightmare and shook you out of it, you looked pretty sad, I'm not going to ask because all of us have had our share of troubles in the past, just remember we are millions of miles away from earth and the past. So let the past die and live in the present, it may not be the ideal place, but it is a hell of a lot better than our hellhole of a home planet"

Even adolf couldn't explain why he was trying so hard to comfort her when he was usually so distant but something about her that he couldn't explain, made him want to help her with whatever troubles she had, his crew was his family and he would risk his life to protect them but something about her he just couldn't get out of his mind, anytime he tried to think of something else, she would always pry her way back into his mind and he couldn't help it, but he stayed vigilantly away from the idea that he could be in love, any remnant of his emotions of romantic love died back on earth, and nothing would change that, nothing, not even the girl he couldn't keep his mind off of and felt drawn to care for and protect, he shook his head and walked into the storage room for a second to clear his head, he couldn't help but wonder if he really was in love.

'Well even if I was, it wouldn't matter, it's impossible for someone to love a monster like me'

As for Eva, she was confused by his inexplicable change in behavior and was still flustered from when she woke up in Adolf's arms and to hear his quiet voice comforting her.

Eva had a hard time thinking straight lately, in these past few days she had more physical contact with Adolf than she had in her entire life and it was making her heart skip a beat, she went over to some of the crew for advice with her romantic life as the rover sped across the landscape full of canyons and greenery. She sat down next to Wac, Enrique, and Antonio, who were playing some poker on the floor of the rover to pass the time.

"Hey, Eva what's up?"

"Um, I have a quick question if you guys wouldn't mind"

"Yeah sure, no problem"

"Well, it's really embarrassing but do guys know anything I could do to make the captain notice me, as a woman I mean, and not as a comrade, which is still nice and all but..." she trailed off and the guys just smiled

Adolf Reinhardt x Eva Frost (Terra Formars)Where stories live. Discover now