Chapter 1- Fragility

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Bill sighed as he mindlessly flipped through the channels on he and Tom’s TV. He was looking forward to his brother coming home soon; he’d been with his girlfriend all day. Bill was actually still quite shocked that Tom had a girlfriend at all, he’d almost had a heart attack when he’d gone out with a girl a second time. Now Tom and his girlfriend had been dating nearly a year. Bill didn’t like it of course, he wanted Tom only for himself. He’d never had any sexual feelings towards Tom, though many people had thought that Bill did. No, that wasn’t the way Bill wanted him. He wanted him as a brother, a best friend, a life partner. Bill knew that Tom had sexual needs, so he let his brother do whatever he wanted with whichever girl he so pleased. Soon enough Bill realized that Tom was now done messing around, and was starting to get serious about girls. Bill was left at home a lot, he was so bored now that Tokio Hotel had decided to take a break. However, he understood the need for a break and appreciated it.

“Bill!”, Tom cried as he burst through the door.

Bill jumped up in surprise at Tom’s tone but also in happiness that his brother was finally home.

Tom ran around the corner to find Bill standing dumbly in the living room.

As quickly as Bill had seen Tom, he’d been attacked with a tight hug.

Bill gladly accepted the affection from his twin brother and held him tightly, closing his eyes and sighing with relief at the familiar embrace.

Tom’s obvious elated mood had instantly brought Bill’s mood up with it.

“Bill, guess what?” said Tom as he released Bill so he could face him.

“What is it?” Bill asked in a cheerful voice.

“Contessa and I are engaged!”

Tom smiled widely; he hadn’t seemed so happy

in a long time.

Bill felt his heart, stomach, and mouth fall to the floor in one heap of hurt. A lump formed in his throat as he tried to speak, “Oh,” was all he could manage to say.

His chest hurt and he placed a hand there.

“Bill,” Tom said sympathetically, seeing his pain. He placed a hand delicately and cautiously on Bill’s shoulder, afraid of his reaction.

Bill hardly reacted at all, he just looked into the eyes of his twin, the eyes identical to his and said, “Tom, we’re supposed to be together. You and me. Don’t you care about me any more?” Bill’s eyes welled, “Don’t you love me, Tom?”

“Bill!” Tom exclaimed, capturing him in a tight embrace, “Of course I love you baby brother,” Tom spoke quietly into Bill’s hair, “I’ll never love anyone so much.”

Tom felt Bill shudder as a small sob escaped him. Tom knew Bill might respond that way to his words; he wasn’t usually so emotional and even when he was he hardly spoke about it, but Tom felt so many things coursing through his veins at the moment, it was hard not to be sentimental.

Bill both appreciated and despised his brother’s sudden openness. He knew the only reason Tom had become so in touch with his emotions lately was because of his girlfriend turned fiancé.

Every change Tom had undergone was because of Contessa. Bill had been shocked when Tom came home one day with “normal” clothing on and his now light brown hair cut short and swooshed up in some way on top of his head. Bill had thought someone had broken into their house at first. When he’d asked about the sudden appearance change, he told him Contessa thought he’d look better that way. Though Bill had thought Tom did in fact look better, he didn’t think it was right of Contessa to change Tom’s appearance. Bill thought Tom should be who he wants to be and dress the way he wants.

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