Chapter 7- Forgiveness & Acceptance

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Bill shakily made his way past the many graves of people he’d never known. It wasn’t hard to find Tom’s grave, there were flowers, stuffed animals and notes all around it. Bill smiled sadly. Tom had been very loved, by family, friends and fans.

He pushed some of the things out of the way and lay on the ground, pressing his ear to it.

“I don’t know where you are, Tom. But I hope you’re somewhere I can be with you too, one day.”

Bill hadn’t really comprehended nor accepted what had happened until right then, and he felt comfortable enough to let himself go. He cried for hours, and when he was done with that, he spoke to his brother more. He was in a very sad state of mind, and he was mourning, but something told him everything would be ok.

“Thank you for saving me, Tom. I’m sure you knew what you were doing. I’m sad to let you go, big brother. Hopefully one day we can still go off together in the night.”

Bill got up from the ground and sat pretzel legged. It was time for an apology. “I’m sorry, Tom, for being such a selfish fool. I wish there was some way I could bring you back. I still feel so connected to you though, brother. You must be out there somewhere. I will find you eventually. I will never forget you, and I’ll be sad for a very long time, mind you,” Bill felt himself tear up again. He pulled a rose out of a bouquet and slowly tore the petals away as he gathered the strength to speak his next words,

“I don’t think anyone could ever love me like you did. And I don’t think I’ll ever find someone who I will love more than I loved you.”

“I tell him almost the same thing every day,”

Bill jumped, startled by the voice behind him.

He turned around to see Contessa walking towards him.

She smiled at Bill sadly, and Bill scrambled to get up so he could properly greet her with a hug.

“Georg called me a few hours ago and told me you were awake, and that you were coming here,” she said, “I moved here after- well, you know. I couldn’t be that far away from him.”

Bill noticed the way she placed her hand on her stomach, and then noticed the bulge there. He dropped his mouth, “Are you?..”

Contessa nodded and smiled slightly, her sadness preventing her from smiling any wider, “I found out a few days before Tom and I got married. I was going to tell him on our wedding night, I thought that would be a nice surprise. Well maybe not for Tom, he didn’t want children that quickly,” Contessa managed a small laugh.

Bill nodded. He was still quite shocked. It seemed to him that Contessa had matured quite a bit in just four months, but he understood that she’d probably had to.

Contessa laughed as she noticed how often Bill was staring at her stomach, “You can feel it if you want.”

Bill nodded as he slowly fanned his hands across her stomach.

“I’m 21 weeks. It’s a boy,” she said.

Bill felt so connected to the baby already. He felt a little better knowing that a bit of Tom had stayed behind after all.

“I bet he’s going to be beautiful,” said Bill.

Contessa nodded, “You should see the sonograms I have. He looks so much like Tom already. Oh, that’s his name by the way. I figured it was only right,” Contessa slid one of her hands under Bill’s and squeezed it, “I hope that you’ll be in his life. You’re the closest thing he has to Tom.”

Bill couldn’t help but smile widely as he squeezed Contessa‘s hand in return, “Of course I will be there for him, 24/7 if you want!”

Contessa nodded, “That would be nice, Bill.”

Bill couldn’t help but feel excited, despite everything bad that had happened. Though he still felt sad about Tom, he had someone else to care for now, someone else whom he could place all of his love into, and who would gladly receive it, he was sure.

Everything happens for a reason, and even if some of the reasons or events don’t make sense, it all comes together in the end.

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